The 'Merica's alternate-fire mode?

Has anyone noticed any noticeable changes when using the alternate-fire mode for the 'Merica? Pressing R rotates the "barrels" of the gun, but the only difference seems to be that the flamethrower will shoot from the bottom half of the gun, instead of the top-half. Am I missing something here, or is the alternate-fire mode for the 'Merica only a change in where the flamethrower shoots from?
Oh, that...helps a lot, actually. I must have completely missed that. XD Still, amazing weapon overall. It tears apart Wardens almost too fast.
wasn't it supposed to also act as a secondary dubstep gun? i'm more than halfway through the game(with the actual dubstep gun unlocked) yet i still only have the minigun and rocket launcher. its still pretty cool, but considering i caved in on release day and managed to get a preorder, i'm pretty bummed that it only has those two features when the in game model and promo art showed it as having more than the two firing modes we have now
wasn't it supposed to also act as a secondary dubstep gun? i'm more than halfway through the game(with the actual dubstep gun unlocked) yet i still only have the minigun and rocket launcher. its still pretty cool, but considering i caved in on release day and managed to get a preorder, i'm pretty bummed that it only has those two features when the in game model and promo art showed it as having more than the two firing modes we have now

The 'Merica's default firing mode shoots a hail of bullets and flames, and the alternate mode fires rockets sometimes, and doesn't shoot flames. If you're getting dubstep gun stuff, it's likely related to the weapon bugs introduced with the latest patch.

To clarify, no, the 'Merica is not supposed to also function as a dubstep gun. Any reference to music is because whenever you have the 'Merica equipped, some presidential-themed music plays.
The 'Merica's default firing mode shoots a hail of bullets and flames, and the alternate mode fires rockets sometimes, and doesn't shoot flames. If you're getting dubstep gun stuff, it's likely related to the weapon bugs introduced with the latest patch.

To clarify, no, the 'Merica is not supposed to also function as a dubstep gun. Any reference to music is because whenever you have the 'Merica equipped, some presidential-themed music plays.
"Some Badass presidential-themed music plays"** there i fixed it :) i love walking up to Alien's with the 'Merica equipped and just hearing the music play as i'm ripping them apart xD one of my fave parts of the game....
i was just questioning whether or not it WAS supposed to have it, as there were multiple references to it having a dubstep gun (whether official or just rumormill i cant remember) prior to release. however it would be awesome to have more functionality to it considering there are a bunch of different barrels (and a knife!!) on the gun itself
for the record i was never getting wubs nor dubs with the 'merica weapon... sadly lol