The Morningstar

The Morningstar replaces the Saints
+ Gat is Loren
+ Pierce and Shaundi are Morningstar members
+ Loren is now Dane
+ Masako Goons replace the Morningstar
+ Homies (main) have more health
+ Homies now have better weapons
+ Some homies are now tough
+ Better Homie support
+ Back up now arrive in bus (7 homies)
+ Shaundi/Zimos arrive with a Rollerblader
+ Angel/Josh arrive with Oleg (now use 3 at same time)
- Rollerblader and regular homies still have same health (die quick)
+ Some homies (main) arrive in bus


1) Place everything in your Main SR3 directory (where your game launcher is)
2) Now open the ASM Folder (place the whole folder in there as well)
Double click on "Update_ASM_Files - after ADDITION or CHANGE of a mod file"
Your ASM file are now updated.
3) Play Game



I've got a mod request for you, I'm using a morningstar mod where the morningstar are the saints and the saints are the syndicate, would it be possible to make a mod that essentialy swaps the vehicles round so I can use morningstar ones and the syndicate use the purple saints car