I just found something..
Thing's that has been cut out of SR:TT
Thing's that has been cut out of SR:TT
Scott said:
For the first 6 months or so Saints Row: The Third went in a very different direction. You were an undercover cop infiltrating the Saints. We wanted choice to be a much bigger part of the game. At the end of a mission you might find a big pile of cocaine, and would have to decided whether to turn it over to the FBI, or give it to the Saints
Also cut was a feature called freegunning, a portmanteau of the things it sounds like a portmanteau of. We saw a tech demo video showing your character leaping over cars and wall-running on buildings, and all the time shooting. It looked pretty slick, something along the lines of Prototype, Assassin’s Creed & The Sands of Time. Sadly this was cut because of performance issues, they couldn’t get it to work properly in an open world populated with lots of characters.
On the flipside, one feature that ended up being bigger than expected was the dildo bat.