Exactly. more like 2 human handguns and an alien one. Both human handguns with their own unique skin set. There is a huge amount of variety.
Thanks! I just want to make sure we have a good amount of choice. I'm hoping for a minimum of 3 guns per category. There's always basically the fast and accurate, loud and powerful, and then the special gun for each category. If you get what I'm saying about Krukovs and Shepards.
While I'm not holding out on this because of the plot, I'm betting the STAG weaponry will be gone in SR4. However because they've stated you can import your character, I can only assume ALL customization items including the unlockables and DLC ones will be in SR4 by default. So that means the STAG armor will still be available at least. So many possibilities of where the plot can really go.