This question will probably spark controversy.

Ok, so knowing how the Dildo bat was censored in China and knowing that China is way more strict what content is “Ok” in video games over there i can’t help but worry about how censored and pussyfide SR5 might end up being..

Especially seeing on how companies let China bully them into removing content that they dont like, like the not at all offensive joke that was in Monster Hunter or any references to Winnie the Pooh...
Ok, so knowing how the Dildo bat was censored in China and knowing that China is way more strict what content is “Ok” in video games over there i can’t help but worry about how censored and pussyfide SR5 might end up being..

Especially seeing on how companies let China bully them into removing content that they dont like, like the not at all offensive joke that was in Monster Hunter or any references to Winnie the Pooh...
I see this thread got moved for “Being in the wrong section” but it wasn’t though. I was asking Volition if they were going to water SR down even more than they did in SR3 for the sake of appeasing the mighty Chinese market.

And yes, SR3 was a watered down version of SR. Getting rid of the Brown Baggers stores, removing drugs and drug use from the games, turning the traffic missions from Drug Deals to selling the kind of Saints merchandise they sell in Planet Saints stores, toning down the Boss’s personality to make them a goof, turning Shaundi from a druggie into raging b!tch.
softening the story to be more comicbook action rather than gritty street life.
This was all watering down saits row to make it more white bread and palpable to a wider(younger) audience, cause we know the Nickelodeon style fart jokes and humor wasn’t meant for those of us that started playing back in SR1. Lol
Moved because it's not a technical modding question. Volition can't even talk about their next Saints Row game, it's not even confirmed it will be called Saints Row 5 so I don't think any of the Volition staff will answer your question.
Moved because it's not a technical modding question. Volition can't even talk about their next Saints Row game, it's not even confirmed it will be called Saints Row 5 so I don't think any of the Volition staff will answer your question.
Changed the reason for moving it. Lol

Have you read this before you made your post?
She deleted her podst from earlier that said she moved the thread “because it was in the wrong place”.

I explained that ot was in the right place and why, but rather than swallow her pride and own her mistake, she just changed her reasoning.

like playing monopoly with a 12 year old. They’ll just change the rules till they win if you let them. Lol
But it was in the wrong place, what are you on about? The Ask Volition forum is to ask technical and modding related questions, not whatever you're asking. "Moved because it's not a technical modding question." is just the more elaborate way of saying "it's in the wrong place".