This Would Make My Day, Please Do This

Well basically, i've been perusing (and yes i looked at the "before you make a request look here" thread, don't worry, i'm within bounds as far as i know) and i've seen weapon tweaks mods, superpowers/misc mods(GoS, sandbox +) and i've even tweaked a few weapon mods myself. This is before i just signed up though. BUT now i'm here to request a mod, because i lack the experience to do so myself (and the fact that all my unpacked/converted xtml files are kinda screwed, its not "formatted" so to speak, just one giant block of text not laid out in neat sections)

A Twilight Vampire Mod:
Go ahead, call me a fag or whatever. I like the series, And it should be relatively simple to make, It can pretty much be ripped (with some moderate changes) from the sandbox + mod which i currently have installed. What exactly i mean is the "superpowers" thing. But changed like so(if possible)

Before the list is made this should be read

Simple, It should be like this "Vamp Mode On" "Vamp Mode Off" and the hotkey should be something like SHIFT+ALT+MMB(mouse wheel click) or SHIFT+ALT+Q(for peeps without mouse wheel click) or at best, the hotkey(s) should be setable in a config file(if possible) also when vamp mode is on, the vampire neck bite should be used to execute, but when off it should be normal if this is not possible, then neck bite always on. (BTW i have all the DLC's)

Vamp abilities should only work when Vamp Mode is on, otherwise all should be normal(always go by this unless a certain ability is impossible to be done this way, in which case, just leave it perma on)

NOTE: This list is in order of importance

Please remove the hodoken/fireball ability, and animation

Please remove the decker specialist trails.

Please remove scream sound thingy, explosion, and sparkley/firework effects

Please remove the "wham" "splat" "pow" type thingys when the punch/fists are used (maybe this was in another mod i had?)

The jump, when sprinting is a dive, if possible could it be made to jump like the one standing still (straight up, tuck knees, hold out arms) when you're sprinting only when vamp mode is activated? If it can't be like that for only vamp mode, i'll be happy with it like that all around (vamp mode on or off) because i'll likely have it on most of the time. Also make it a powerful jump, when sprinting on a flat surface, i want to be able to go at least 100 yards(300 feet) forward, and about 25 yards(75 feet) up (Height is more important. Meaning, if getting that high will make me go way farther due to forward speed/momentum, then so be it)

Swimming should be extremely fast (100mph or so) both in the movies and the books it is mentioned that vampires could swim extremely fast. ((Edit: I just read from you guys' posts that it might be impossible to make it that fast. If this is completely impossible, just make it as fast as it can go))

Put like +25% to +50% extra speed (continue reading for an exact) when vamp mode is active. Some of the slower cars in the game could get away from me and i don't particularly like this. The twilight vampires could run about 170mph-230mph based on the books. ((Edit: I just read from you guys' posts that it might be impossible to make it that fast. If this is completely impossible, just make it as fast as it can go))

Well i like the strength thing mostly as is, when activated, you get "saints pow". Seems good, but a few tweaks could be made. Such as make it not damage the car as much, No explode, No set fire(Still do damage but make it take like 4 hits to set fire on average). And make it punch the vehicle (Depending on size) 25-200 yards or so (Tank vs. Motorbike respectively). This should also greatly increase the throw distance of human shield

This is about all i can think of at the moment. If i come up with anything else it'll be below this line with "Edit:" before the update.
It's not about the shitty series, just about your typing:
Basic Posting Common Sense said:
- DO NOT use colored fonts, small fonts, or non-standard fonts in your posts. Doing so does not make you a Unique Internet Snowflake™; rather it just annoys everyone and makes your posts difficult to read. This rule does not apply if you are simply using colors/fonts to highlight specific code or filenames to make a complicated post more readable.
-DO make an effort to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to the best of your ability. We understand that some of our user base has English as a second language, but at least try and make an effort; this means capitalizing the first letter of sentences, using punctuation, not substituting numbers instead of letters (2 instead of too,) not posting in all lower or upper case, etc.
About the jump you want, a bit hard, as you have to change the animations for the player first. And if you want to do that through PLYF.xtbl or PLYM.xtbl, the standard animation table for the player, it would probably not work.
About the swimming and running, there are limits in the game you know...
If I remember it right the run/sprint speed can't get higher than 28, or else the speed you insert will be ignored and seen as 28, while a car like the Infuego goes 85 standard.
Miku is right. Using non-standard fonts and not bothering to capitalize the beginning of sentences is a sure-fire way to make sure that nobody here takes your request seriously. If you can't be bothered to make an effort than why should we?
Miku is right. Using non-standard fonts and not bothering to capitalize the beginning of sentences is a sure-fire way to make sure that nobody here takes your request seriously. If you can't be bothered to make an effort than why should we?

Don't know what you guys mean by non standard fonts, they're in the list, they look pretty standard to me, and they are easily readable. If you mean the bolding and italicizing then I guess I could take that off. However capsing the first letter of each sentence i'll get right on that. :P But even if i didn't it still doesn't mean i'm not serious about what i want....
The standard font is the one Idol and I, and ~97% on the forum use. The one I'm typing with now. Before you select a different font in the list of font families.

If you don't capitalize the first letter of a sentence and put a dot in the end it makes you come over like you aren't really serious about your wishes.
You can be serious, but if your typing isn't coming over serious, and there isn't some line in your request saying "I'm terribly serious about this", then why the hell should we make a mod like that? It doesn't look serious, even if you can be as serious as you can.
Alright. I removed all formatting, Then redid the bolding and italicizing and resized the text to "3". I also capitalized the first letter of the first word in every sentance, as well as all the "I's" that refer to Myself.
Thanks for making an effort and cleaning up your post. I'm not sure why the font ended up smaller when you removed formatting, and I still do notice some lower case personal "i's" and things, but I'm not going to drag this out and be a jerk about it. I simply appreciate the effort, and that's really all that our rules are asking for. As to the reason for our rules, I will say that this is a technical modding forum and proper communication is extremely important on all sides.

While I'm personally not a fan of either Twilight or this request, I do think it's only fair to reciprocate and try to help you as much I can.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
all my unpacked/converted xtml files are kinda screwed, its not "formatted" so to speak, just one giant block of text not laid out in neat sections

Notepad++ has a plugin called xml tools that allows you to format some of the problematic SRTT xtbl files (like weapons.xtbl) into readable and properly indented xml. You want to use the "Pretty Print with Line Breaks" option from the xml tools menu once you've installed it. It works beautifully and makes the table extremely easy to read and manipulate.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
Simple, It should be like this "Vamp Mode On" "Vamp Mode Off" and the hotkey should be something like SHIFT+ALT+MMB(mouse wheel click) or SHIFT+ALT+Q(for peeps without mouse wheel click) or at best, the hotkey(s) should be setable in a config file(if possible) also when vamp mode is on, the vampire neck bite should be used to execute, but when off it should be normal if this is not possible, then neck bite always on. (BTW i have all the DLC's)

Unfortunately capturing input using a thread like Sandbox+ really only works with one standard in-game function + one non-standard one that is based off an unused command like tow truck activation (since the game did away with tow trucks.) There is no way to do something custom like you're asking with a config file.

But, I think the neck bite animation itself might be something you could initiate on the fly. It's kind of tricky though since we haven't been able to tie in animations with actual physical in-game actions yet. i.e. the animation procs, but it doesn't have any actual physical effect.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
Please remove the hodoken/fireball ability, and animation
Please remove the decker specialist trails.
Please remove scream sound thingy, explosion, and sparkley/firework effects
Please remove the "wham" "splat" "pow" type thingys when the punch/fists are used (maybe this was in another mod i had?)

The super powers are a transparent function. We can only turn them on or off. That's it. There's no good way to separate things. The trails, scream, explosion can be removed easily. The wham splat pow effects if removed would also disable the super punches/strength. Once again, it's tied together.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
The jump, when sprinting is a dive, if possible could it be made to jump like the one standing still (straight up, tuck knees, hold out arms) when you're sprinting only when vamp mode is activated? If it can't be like that for only vamp mode, i'll be happy with it like that all around (vamp mode on or off) because i'll likely have it on most of the time. Also make it a powerful jump, when sprinting on a flat surface, i want to be able to go at least 100 yards(300 feet) forward, and about 25 yards(75 feet) up (Height is more important. Meaning, if getting that high will make me go way farther due to forward speed/momentum, then so be it)

You're going to have to give up on jump height. It's currently not possible and many of us have been trying to do something similar to that since launch with no luck.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
Swimming should be extremely fast (100mph or so) both in the movies and the books it is mentioned that vampires could swim extremely fast.

There is already a mod out there that does this. It should be quite easy.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
Put like +25% to +50% extra speed (continue reading for an exact) when vamp mode is active. Some of the slower cars in the game could get away from me and i don't particularly like this.

Run speed is tied to the superpowers function. There is no way to adjust speed at all. It's either on with superpowers or off. No tweaking.

The-REAL-Vampire said:
Well i like the strength thing mostly as is, when activated, you get "saints pow". Seems good, but a few tweaks could be made. Such as make it not damage the car as much, No explode, No set fire(Still do damage but make it take like 4 hits to set fire on average). And make it punch the vehicle (Depending on size) 25-200 yards or so (Tank vs. Motorbike respectively). This should also greatly increase the throw distance of human shield.

Once again, it can't be tweaked since it's simply part of the transparent superpowers function. It's either on or off.

The bottom line is that while there are a few tweaks that could be made, most of your wants aren't really something we can change.
Ok so what I'm getting from this is you can't affect the jump or the run at all, You can remove the trails scream and explosion, But the annotations on the punch have to stay, And you can do the swim speed, Neck bite, And the name when it's activated?
I don't think I was clear about the neck bite. While it is likely that we could get the animation to proc, you wouldn't be able to do it to someone. i.e. you would be biting the thin air. Tying actual physical interactions to animations is something I've been trying to do for over 6 months and still no luck. When/if that gets resolved, then it would be possible.

The rest is doable though, yes.