SPOILERS Thoughts so far?

They're always randomly placed around as set pieces. The flamethrower is still in Friendly Fire, the Minigun was in the white house, they appear here and there as just props.
Well just beat it, my final thoughts are still pretty much the same, with the addition of:
- Seems to be a bug with generators, towards the end of the game I just could not even deactivate them. I had one I clocked at 20 attempts. The progress bar would fill and it would just start over.
- There are some really amazing outfit designs, but... look, can we just make headgear always separate? There are so many outfits that I love, but I just wish the headwear was separate. I mean the police uniform, guardsman outfit, *cough*endgame*cough*, etc.

That's about it, aside from the time consuming generator bug, the game is a lot of fun. I'm sitting at 92% completion in about 18 hours and 32 minutes. Be that as it may, I have quite a few minigames to go back and get golds in. RIFTS! I'm sure the designer of that minigame is a wonderful human being, BUT SWEET BABY JESUS I HATE THE SPEED RIFTS!
Game is just littered with easter eggs, really liked that.
Nice amount of guns, but I was bored with the general style choice for main weapons i.e. you have a heavy pistol and a fast shooting pistol.
Game felt short on taking over the city, I even did every activity and it still felt like it breezed by.
They're always randomly placed around as set pieces. The flamethrower is still in Friendly Fire, the Minigun was in the white house, they appear here and there as just props.
The prop guns kinda annoyed me, barely any of the guns look like their predecessors.
I thought a the vice 9 would make a comeback since you walked up to alot of bosses and shot them with it.
I just beat it as well, I seriously loved it <3 I got to 98% completion, and I'm really not sure what I missed unless I got a Silver somewhere rather than Gold? Don't know. My run was about 29 hours.

I wish there were a New Game +, but Mission Replay will eventually fill that void more or less. That or load my first save and use some of Idol's additional unflagged cheats to eliminate some of the grind so I can just enjoy the story again.
Overall score...pretty good.

There are some areas I'm a little grumped about. You'd have thought they'd have had enough sense to record some post finale dialogue for your homies on the NebucaNormandy, I wandered around after completing the game and was treated to the same 5 lines of crap they'd been spouting the entire game.

Short cutscenes talking to homies were pretty low budget. Basically just taking the player out of the picture entirely and having the homie robotically talk to your screen with the indication that you're looking at them from first person but it still seemed kind janky and awkward...I guess they sank so much money into romance cutscenes that keeping all the cutscenes to a general average of quality was probably hard.

Also Death From Above is completely weaksauce from max jump height, it literally won't even blow up a car if you DFA directly into it. The only way to get anything out of DFA is to nose dive from the top of a very tall building to get the nuclear effect but its kind of ridiculous that the standard is essentially 4 times less powerful than an Stomp, and you need to complete about 75% of the game to get DFA whereas Stomp is an early game ability.

Other minor things might be listed like....not enough music stations and...the ones we had just didn't have enough tracks for it not to get boring after a bit. Perhaps money was tight for licensing this time around, who can say.

Also why isn't there an infinite energy unlock for the Dubstep Gun? Probably my favorite addition with SR4 and even maxed out on mods you eventually run out. I want infinite wubs....I've got infinite bullets, why not wubs?

Anyways pretty happy with the game, super powers play real nice with everything. Though cars seemed pretty antiquated when I did have to actually drive them because of them. Hopefully in SR5...if there is one, they find a way to let the boss keep the super powers...cause they're really fun.
I'll just paste what I said on the official forum here :

So just a big DLC...!

First things first : It was awesome!
I really loved each minutes of it.

In the end I loled. I remember something Steve Jaros said in the Dev diary #4 "bring SR2 fans and SR3 fans together"
... Lol you completly lost the SR2 fans here!
As for me I loved both so I don't mind.

As soon as I ended up in the simulation, I looked at the map. Something hitted me right away and I was hubberly exited...
Did you tried to zoom out as far as possible? Yeah... the map is at the top left, leaving a huge empty spot on the bottom right.
I though "OMG maybe a new secret map!!!"
BUT........ no.
WTF Volition? no new playground???
You could at least let us go back to "the other simulations" (<--keeping the post spoiler free, but you understood)

And another thing... when you finish the game with the good ending and realise that the story is not over (the butler words)...
It's too obvious that you already have the DLC ready !!! And you're going to make us wait and pay for it???... srsly?
I only had less than 13 hours of missions... and I must wait some more?

Aw comeone!
So overall it's a nice game... but when you spent more than a hundred hours on SR3... I don't feel the need to "do it again" on the same map.
I'll just paste what I said on the official forum here :

So just a big DLC...!

First things first : It was awesome!
I really loved each minutes of it.

In the end I loled. I remember something Steve Jaros said in the Dev diary #4 "bring SR2 fans and SR3 fans together"
... Lol you completly lost the SR2 fans here!
As for me I loved both so I don't mind.

As soon as I ended up in the simulation, I looked at the map. Something hitted me right away and I was hubberly exited...
Did you tried to zoom out as far as possible? Yeah... the map is at the top left, leaving a huge empty spot on the bottom right.
I though "OMG maybe a new secret map!!!"
BUT........ no.
WTF Volition? no new playground???
You could at least let us go back to "the other simulations" (<--keeping the post spoiler free, but you understood)

And another thing... when you finish the game with the good ending and realise that the story is not over (the butler words)...
It's too obvious that you already have the DLC ready !!! And you're going to make us wait and pay for it???... srsly?
I only had less than 13 hours of missions... and I must wait some more?

Aw comeone!
So overall it's a nice game... but when you spent more than a hundred hours on SR3... I don't feel the need to "do it again" on the same map.
This post...this post makes me cringe...
Honestly, I really liked Steel Port, I honest almost like it as much as I did Stilwater. It needs interiors yeah, but I mean... I dunno, its not a bad map. I really hate the, "OMG SAME MAP!" complaint, I utterly loathe it. SR1 and 2 use the same map, SR3 and 4 use the same map. Both of them try to spruce up and alter the map in ways to make the game feel more interesting and different. Both succeed in different ways. SR2 managed to add all kinds of secret passages and twists and turns. SR4 adds a ton of war zones, alien bases, and the lovely towering structures to the city.

If SR4 is crap for using the same map, SR2 should be too then.
I beat it last night. Not sure on the final time, but it was around 25 hours, 90ish percent completion.

Steelport felt like a different city; the improved lighting made a huge difference, as well as the bits of Zin tech scattered around. Super speed and super jump made a big difference in how I viewed the city as well. I liked most of the new weapons, though some felt a little underpowered at first (*cough*Dubstep gun*cough*).

Superpowers were mostly good. Fire blast with chain reaction explosive kills is a hoot. TK was lame at first, but improved somewhat with upgrades. Superspeed and superjump are indispensable. DFA is a bit weak; you have to be pretty high up to get good damage out of it.

Story-wise, I liked it. Lots of humor, great scenery-chewing villain, and an ending that sets up some great DLC possibilities. Most of the side missions were just thinly veiled excuses to do the various activities, but I was gonna do them anyway, so it's nice to get rewards for doing them in chunks.

I'm forgetting lots of stuff, but the bottom line is that it's one of the most fun games I've played in a while and I will be replaying it once I get 100%.