Toggle Dual Wield

I wouldn't mind something like this. I like being able to toggle some things. Maybe if doable also Toggle unlimited ammo?
Anyway this can be done and assigned to a key? Would also like to be able to toggle on/off the superpowers and super movements via shortcut key as well. It sucks to have super sprint and super jump on all the time. Sometimes you don't want to go blazing fast to get somewhere and sometimes you just need to be able to jump like a normal person instead of 20 feet in the air which gets frustrating. There is a cheat to disable the super powers and super movements but that sucks and takes too long to have to go back and forth to all the time. Would really like a hotkey toggle for both superpower/movements and to turn dual wielding weapons on/off. Can this be done? It was done in SRTT if I remember but it was a little glitchy from what I recall.
This is a mod i would like to see for SRTT and IV.

The save editor allows you to undo upgrades. Check the tools forum. Sandbox+ also allows you toggle that stuff in realtime.
i cant seem to find the save editor or the sandbox+ please can you link me to them?

Check the SRTT tools subforum and the SRTT mod release subforum. Nothing exists yet for SRIV.