Toggle upgraded power on/off once you have it

This would be a big help to me. I don't find all the powers make the game smoother. Especially when you want to do some close quarter playing I don't want the highest jump level/speed level etc on. What's strange is you can already see it as a check mark from your HUD list of powers so if you could just click things on or off that you own, that would be awesome.
one agree here, a switch on and off would be real nice
aswell i like sometimes a normal gun street fight and sprint and jump over fences like previosly
There are two cheats you can activate which will remove super powers and super movement. nosupermove, and nosuperpowers. No mods required.
Yeah, activating those cheats will remove the ability to Super Jump/Sprint AT ALL, so we DO need a mod if we want control over things like the sprint tornado/dash shield thingy/gliding.

I think being able to toggle any kind of upgrade is what we need: Weapon abilities, dual wielding, Super Homie outfits are all things that at the end of the game I get annoyed with. It would be great to be able to reverse the upgrades and reapply them at will without having to start a new save or maintain parallel save games(when the new dlc's come out).
Yeah toggling any upgrade should definitely be made into a mod somehow. Now that I've beaten the game I don't feel like dual wielding all the time...or accidentally destroying everything I run past.
Totally. Being able to switch upgrades and powers on and off once unlocked would hugely increase the variety of ways to play. Sometimes, you just need a little less gun. :p

It seems like it should be relatively simple, the game already has the faculties to toggle each of these powers on and off, from my uninformed position it seems it would just need a bit of logic telling it that once the price has been paid or the conditions have been met to initially enable any of these things, they should be togglable at will via their respective menu entries.

It's good to know that you can switch off superpowers totally already, needing to hoof it lets you appreciate the little things in the environment when you don't feel like being The Flash.

e: mental note, make a Barry Allen costume.