There is another issue with this costume (both, the original and the custom one). The neck does not properly attach to the suit as you can see through the model just where the neck joins into the suit. This becomes more apparent when the character is in crouching position. As for graphic bugs this is one that once it has been seen cannot be unseen, therefore ruining the suit quite a bit.
Yes, I had noticed that empty space between the neck and the suit. I think it is the only flaw regarding Cypher.
As for the player costume, the mesh is both incomplete in some areas, and messed up in the gun area.
I have uploaded an image highlighting problem areas. Player images at the top, and Cypher at bottom, excepted for the motorbike picture.
You will notice that the ultor sign does not seem to have a mesh definition in the player model, while it is clearly part of the mesh for Cypher.
Also, Cypher does have some side straps that are missing in the case of the player.
And of course, the gun and holster hanging on straps is quite messed up in the case of the player.
Fortunately, I had begun this modding with the intent of changing Cypher's look, I had not even checked the player costume files at first. Even now, knowing all those differences, it does not bother me all that much when my character wears the suit.