SPOILERS Unlock all weapons

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Well people work full-time jobs to make games exist.

Your parents are the only people in the world who might feel obligated to give you free handouts. If you want something other people work extremely hard on then yeah it's decent of you to buy it and then you both win. You get something you enjoy, and the developer does better.

Making Dlc´s is not a hard work. 1 Person can make a weapon. Like there is alot of weapon mods in gta IV.
is not when you are making a weapon 100% from scratch with animation work, all the polishing and the bug testing. Nothing is easy and pirating a paid DLC because it is "easy" to make or not having money to buy are the worst excuse ever. The engine used in SR IV and GTA IV is not the same either, the amount of work needed is not same.

Idolninja, can you lock the thread or just delete it since it has no mods in it and with such discussion in it will probably end up in clumsy flame war.
since it has no mods in it and with such discussion in it will probably end up in clumsy flame war.


If the original author wants to have the thread unlocked, he can PM one of the mods/admins to do that for him.
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