Unlockable pack dlc

The Bloodsucker and Unlockables DLC are really the two biggest problem ones. There is a mod to get rid of the bloodsucker stuff though, so unlockables is definitely public enemy #1. Everything else is fairly benign.
I'm curious why so many people are against the Bloodsucker pack?
I realize it removes the neck snap animation, but it is helpful.

I've used it many times to save me from a trip to the hospital when I was completely surrounded by enemies and close to dieing.
I'm curious why so many people are against the Bloodsucker pack?
I realize it removes the neck snap animation, but it is helpful.

I've used it many times to save me from a trip to the hospital when I was completely surrounded by enemies and close to dieing.

My biggest problem is that the neck bite is fucking stupid. I don't want to role play as some silly vampire. Also, the game is incredibly easy already, and the bloodsucker pack dumbs things down to make it ever easier with additional forced cash and respect bonuses. It's like the target audience for this was noobie emo twilight fans.
Fair enough, hadn't thought about it like that.

When I first got the game during Holiday 2011 sale, I never played it. Then, during the Spring Sale, I was looking at DLC to get with it, I saw that and thought, "Oh cool, Vampires are pretty cool..." (personally I can't stand Twilight) so I've played the game without it.
Bought the Season Pass and Moneyshot at the same time, heh.

I should try a playthrough with it disabled to see what it's like.
I guess I wouldn't be so angry about it if it was actually an optional thing, but they force you into it if you buy it where you can't turn it off. Also, that was a bit rude on my part. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were one of those "noobie emo twilight fans" or anything.
No Offense taken.
I'm not a fan of the bonuses either, but i've come to imagine that my character is ripping the human shield's throat out.. and as for the unlockables dlc, it should be a few toggle options in an extras menu.. not forced, thats lame..
It's like the target audience for this was noobie emo twilight fans.
I object to the emo twilight! :p
Being called a noobie or fan is ok by me.

I got all the DLC when possible and didn't mind having them.
I also always play my games in the easiest setting possible during the first playthrough.
So the unlocks were like a free pack of cheats. :D