SRTT Upcoming Patch 5 Differences

First of all, you can't do that with CEG DRM. Custom executable generation creates a new unique exe just for you and you alone. Second of all, did you miss the part of my post where I said how exactly it can be fixed and that I'll be doing that soon for GoS (or if anyone else wants to step up and save me the headache.)
OK. I try add EtD billboards files into the screaming files (I know how do that, I am making personal mods for SR3).
Can somebody tell me, in what "screaming file" are billboards files (I mean the name of that file).
Can somebody tell me, in what "streaming file" are billboards files (I mean the name of that file).

I believe the streaming files for the billboards are archived in either sr3_city_0.vpp_pc or sr3_city_1.vpp_pc, but I don't know which exact str2_pc file they are located in. If you do find out, please post a list of them as it would help me create a set for a GoS update. :)
I believe the streaming files for the billboards are archived in either sr3_city_0.vpp_pc or sr3_city_1.vpp_pc, but I don't know which exact str2_pc file they are located in. If you do find out, please post a list of them as it would help me create a set for a GoS update. :)
Somebody have any suggestions in what files in "sr3_city_0.vpp_pc" and "sr3_city_1.vpp_pc" billboards files can be? I am not going to unpack 3000 str2_pc files but I want EtD billboards!!! I really liked they.
OK. If nobody want do this, I will unpack all of that str2_pc files.
I unpacked all of str_2 files in "sr_city_0" and "sr_city_1" and I found some locations of billboards streaming files :) ! Here is list of that locations (all things before "-" is a cvbm_pc and gvbm_pc files and all things after "-" is a str_2 files):

billboard_3count_b_d - 0917
Billboard_8Track_D - 1015^megab2, 1015^megab1, 1015, 1013, 0915^megab2, 0915^megab1, 0915, 0913, 0817, 0814, 0813
billboard_aerialeros_d - 0714
billboard_burlesque_d - 1015^megab2, 1015^megab1, 1015, 0915^megab2, 0915^megab1, 0915
Billboard_CemShoes_D - 0912, 0816, 0814, 0714
billboard_gangspace_d - 1013, 0916, 0913, 0912, 0817
billboard_gangstergimp_d - 1015^megab2, 1015^megab1, 1015
billboard_genki_a_d - 1013, 0917, 0916, 0913, 0912, 0813
Billboard_Kitty_D - 1013, 0913, 0817, 0814, 0813
billboard_mbrawl_b_d - 0916, 0913
Billboard_NB_1_D - 0916
billboard_psgat_a_d - 0916, 0913, 0814, 0813
billboard_psshaundi_a_d - 0916, 0913, 0813
Billboard_SaintsFlow_D - sbw^bridge_dmg, sbw^bridge, bank_ext^stilwater, 0916
billboard_steelport_a_d - 1017^planecrash, 1017
billboard_steelport_b_d - 0817
billboard_steelport_c_d - 0817

billboard_3count_a_d - 1509^lockdown, 1509^burn, 1509
Billboard_8Track_D - 1711, 1708^3count2, 1708^3count1, 1708, 1609^lockdown, 1609^burn, 1609, 1512, 1410^lockdown, 1410^burn, 1410, 1311^stag, 1311, 1308
billboard_aerialeros_d - 1512, 1510, 1509^lockdown, 1509^burn, 1509, 1315^lockdown, 1315^daedelus, 1315^burn, 1315, 1311^stag, 1311
billboard_burlesque_d - 1812, 1608^3count2, 1608^3count1, 1608, 1516, 1410^lockdown, 1410^burn, 1410, 1315^lockdown, 1315^daedelus, 1315^burn, 1315, 1312^lockdown, 1312^daedelus, 1312^burn, 1312
Billboard_CemShoes_D - 1610, 1512, 1509^lockdown, 1509^burn, 1509, 1410^lockdown, 1410^burn, 1410, 1314, 1311^stag, 1311
billboard_gangstergimp_d - 1608^3count2, 1608^3count1, 1608, 1510, 1410^lockdown, 1410^burn, 1410, 1315^lockdown, 1315^daedelus, 1315^burn, 1315, 1312^lockdown, 1312^daedelus, 1312^burn, 1312, 1209^rubble, 1209
Billboard_Kitty_D - 1812, 1811, 1711, 1708^3count2, 1708^3count1, 1708, 1609^lockdown, 1609^burn, 1609, 1510, 1414, 1315^lockdown, 1315^daedelus, 1315^burn, 1315, 1311^stag, 1311
billboard_mbrawl_b_d - 1214
billboard_ps_a_d - 1113
billboard_psgat_a_d - 1816^nuke2, 1816^nuke1, 1816, 1216^tower_saints, 1216^tower_dmg, 1216, 1211
billboard_pspierce_a_d - 1212
billboard_psshaundi_a_d - 1816^nuke2, 1816^nuke1, 1816, 1410, 1216^tower_saints, 1216^tower_dmg, 1216, 1213, 1112
Billboard_SaintsFlow_D - 1715^burn, 1715, 1412, 1409^lockdown, 1409^burn, 1409, 1114
billboard_steelport_a_d - 1112
billboard_steelport_b_d - 1715^burn, 1715, 1409, 1316
billboard_steelport_c_d - 1715^burn, 1715
lcd_large_brands_a - 1312^lockdown, 1312^daedelus, 1312^burn, 1312, 1311^stag, 1311
lcd_large_saints_a - 1313^lockdown, 1313^daedelus, 1313^burn, 1313, 1311^stag, 1311, 1212^lockdown, 1212^daedelus, 1212^burn, 1212
lcd_large_syndicate_a - 1311^stag, 1311, 1212^lockdown, 1212^daedelus, 1212^burn, 1212
ticker_tile_a_gloscrl - 1311^stag, 1311

I can not find "billboard_al", "billboard_lcd_logos_a_d", "billboard_lcd_logos_b_d", "billboard_mbrawl_a_d", "billboardlcd_saints_d", "lcd_large_al_a" and "lcdbillboard_sheet_a" streaming files in "sr_city_0" and "sr_city_1" files :confused: . Can somebody help?
You may want to use minimaul's recursive unpacker that will unpack both the vpp_pc and all the internal str2_pc automatically.

I did an indexed search through all the extracted files and couldn't find them either. I suspect that they used different names for certain billboards and lcd displays for loading from patch_compressed to show the ETD ones. If this is the case, then it's going to be a major pain in the ass to figure out which ones.

Also, the newspaper ones weren't changed with the last patch. Not sure where you're getting those from.
They are the same files that have been in previous versions of patch.compressed. It contains the edited version of the Kinzie's newspaper clippings she has taped up that removes all Punisher game references (an older Volition game.) There was probably some legal reasons for that.
They are the same files that have been in previous versions of patch.compressed. It contains the edited version of the Kinzie's newspaper clippings she has taped up that removes all Punisher game references (an older Volition game.) There was probably some legal reasons for that.
OK. Thanks for answer. I removed newspapers files locations from my list.