Using launcher-type weapons while driving

I've been doing some testing with the weapons file, and changing the "weapon class" from "launcher" to something else like "pistol" or "smg", and changing their location in the weapons wheel, it makes launcher-type weapons like the rocket or the grenade launcher appear while driving a vehicle. But they don't do anything but noise.

There must be something that prevents that weapons with that "launcher" tag appear unlocked while driving. It would be pretty awesome shooting rockets from your car. Would someone help me with this? Much appreciated.
Well im new at modding i was editing the weapons.xmbl i was able to put the rpg for driving but i forgot how i did it once if figure it out how i did it i will upload it :D
Please share how you got launchers working while driving! I was trying to do this with all weapons and it worked just fine changing the weapon classes to smg or pistol until i hit launchers, where i had the same identical problem as FlyingMan. I think something in the other classes prevents projectiles from launcher classes from being used.
Perhaps there is an .xtbl you can edit that changes restrictions on which weapon classes can be equipped when you're driving. But no luck finding anything like that in the cache so far. :(