V6 - Cheats + Phone + Store menu in Gat out of Hell

I installed V5 but I can't open the store menus in any way. I tried reseting keybinds. Perhaps you forgot to include control_binding_sets.xtbl and control_schemes.xtbl...?
Try using IdolNinja's files from Sandbox+ and tell me if they work.
I didn't include them because for me i had them in but after removing them the mod still worked fine.


Try using IdolNinja's files from Sandbox+ and tell me if they work.
I didn't include them because for me i had them in but after removing them the mod still worked fine.
Hm, they work. It seems like Volition haven't touched those files at all.
Also, those files are necessary until you reset your keybinds, only later you can remove them.
Works for me, but Let's Pretend is crashing for whatever reason. The IAD and RN commands work, and RJ does but it's just broken like you said and exits out immediately.

And the control schemes are modified in GOOH, but mainly to support PS4 and Xbone control schemes. I'm surprised though it doesn't care at all that those are missing. Interesting. Not sure about binding though, it probably isn't.
nice work... though I do have an issue where the game CTDs after trying to access let's pretend with the CTRL + DOWN key binding. don't know if anyone else is having the same issue and if they have is there a work around for this?

everything else works fine, just kinda pointless when the Gat morph seems to overwrite anything done in image as designed,
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nice work... though I do have an issue where the game CTDs after trying to access let's pretend with the CTRL + DOWN key binding. don't know if anyone else is having the same issue and if they have is there a work around for this?

everything else works fine, just kinda pointless when the Gat morph seems to overwrite anything done in image as designed,
This. When i was done it just went back to being gat lol only he was in the lady type stand
Sorry everyone i know what the problem is with the clothing store i forgot to include one file.
Uploading the new version now.
Also instead of Lets Pretend the clothing store is now Planet Zin.(Doesn't matter which store it is they all have the same items.
very VERY nice work now :) I assume the reason for the store being so lacking is that they're left over assets from SR4. nah well, with the store opened up will only be a matter of time before someone ports them over.

also, anyone else who hasn't been able to get into the store previously, just be sure to wait about 5 minutes before flicking through the suits in the store, some will crash the game if you try view them too soon. just leaving it a few minutes before opening the store seemed to negate the crash for me, though I can't positively confirm it was in fact, waiting that sorted it out.