SRIV Volition Update to SRIV Modding SDK!!

"The next big thing for Volition."

(I wonder what they are teasing here. But I am hoping a new ip.)

I am looking forward to these releases Very much!

Thanks V!
Only downside is mission editing/creation and new asset addition is pushed back in the list a fair bit. Those are what I really wanna get a crack at. I do understand why though, from what the devs have been saying missions and their specific scripting bits are all but baked 100% right into the exe, and thus not easily pulled out to work with, and in turn while they're planning to expose stuff to lua commands for us that takes work and time (and they still have a whole other game to finish and get out the door first!)
On the plus side, models are right up near the top, and that's one most folks have been wanting for a loooong time (considering how many threads here used to involve "Can we change/add this person/car/weapon/etc" and getting a "We don't have mesh tools, stop asking". Now finally we can say "Can you model? Go for it!" :D )
Sorry, I guess I was misinterpreting from what I read, when they said how many calls were just internally baked in and had to be exposed to lua. Either way, it's a lot more work than releasing a model format that we can use to play with.

My hope is the little modding tweaks they're doing are (or will be) put into SR4 as well.. SR3 is the one we're gonna be having fun with, but SR4 is the newest game and the one everyone wants to tweak.

Thanks Volition, thanks a lot! Now we have to wait while you're doing work on the game we want while you work on the tools we want in your free time! How mean can you get, connecting with the community and working to get the stuff we want then not magically having it before we started? Rrr! :p
Seriously, thanks a lot, in the good way.. I always like a dev who has fun making a game and wants to share that. Makes for a great game. Now to wait while everyone works. :D
I suppose this makes sense, in terms of the order. If a new weapon was to be added to the roster, instead of replacing an old one, it'd need new animations and models anyway, so having adding new versions of these to existing weapons being more of a priority than having the ability to add new weapons to the roster makes sense.

Plus, this weapons stats changing thing gives me ideas. I'd already PM'd them via. FB about a couple of weapon concepts, and being able to test one of them by altering stats for the existing weapons would be cool. In addition, it'd be good 3D modelling practice for me to make some alternate weapon skins (I've already made a concept drawing for a G36-esque equivalent for the AK assault rifle, a model for that shouldn't be that hard to make)

(In case anyone is wondering, the weapon concept shared via. FB was for a spear gun which gets an EMP warhead at max. upgrade level. For those times when you want to hunt the big game, like helicopters. Or tanks. Or just want to stab some poor mother-[SELF CENSORED] from across the road.)

EDIT: Here's the drawing concept for the G36. I originally made it as a new weapon concept to go alongside the AK in SR:TT, though it also would work as an alternate model.


  • G36 SR Concept.jpg
    G36 SR Concept.jpg
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Man, I feel awful. For years I was saying how Volition didn't care about the community, now this.

Thanks alot for this work.


In all honesty though, it is great to see the positive impact this has on the community. We're happy that we are now able to do these things. We have a lot of catch up to do, but we'll get there.