Watching Tv can be a bad idea...

So I'm minding my own business and on the screen pops up some
episode of The WOrldest DUmmest Drivers... among which was
this scene of a drunken idiot that had smashed his head in in a accident
because he was driving a motorized racing BARSTOOL. The 911
recording was amusing as his non drunken buddy reported the incident.

The yahoo hosts mention , they sell for upwards of 1800 bucks ...

WHich I promptly looked up in Google cause I couldn't believe that.

And found this

Sure enough there is a market out there. Amazing.
Too drunk to get up cause it makes you dizzy? No need to walk to the car, just drive
your barstool home.

What has this to do with Sr3. I figured it might make a good vehicle for
the game.

Besides, it was just too wacky to not mention somewhere.
Dude...That idea...Is the...BEST IDEA, EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! :3