SPOILERS What if...?

Anonymous Rex. It's a movie that was going to start a TV show. But it never did, Shame, I loved that movie.
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As much as I'd like to have Aisha, Carlos, and Lin officially coming back... their deaths actually sparked an action from the Saints. If they were removed from their timeline even seconds before their deaths were to occur, they would have less reason to take the course of actions they did, and in all likelihood, it would create a paradox of cataclysmic proportions for the Saints, especially considering how widespread and renown they are by their Presidency in SR4.

...Of course then again, Zinyak did get his hands on J.A. and others without irreversibly shattering the timeline, so who's to say they can't pull it off? They could snag a body double for Carlos and Lin without some sharp temporal backlash right? The Syndicate DID have cloning technology, Oleg was just their template.

It almost seems like you just convinced yourself that it might actually be possible to pull off a full restore of the original crew?

Personally, with SRIV I've decided to scrap the word 'conventional' from my vocabulary for it, it's part of why I love this game, they make their own reality instead of trying to copy the rules of reality we're used to.
For me, I see enough evidence in SRTT and SRIV that could 'logically' (logics based on the parameters of the Saints Row universe) justify them deciding to save at the very least Oleg and Josh, I'm pretty sure Oleg will be saved based on an audio log.
This in turn would most likely apply to Aisha as well then, though I do not know her full story other than what was shown in the Saints of Rage mission.
Fun Shaundi, near the end, was starting to fulfill a similar role for CID, so perhaps they might grab her as well, though that one may have greater repurcussions because she didn't die and would thereby possible affect the current Shaundi depending on which theory of time travel Volition will be going with, the Grandfather dilemma theory or simply the 'Star Trek theory' as explained in an earlier post here.
It almost seems like you just convinced yourself that it might actually be possible to pull off a full restore of the original crew?

Personally, with SRIV I've decided to scrap the word 'conventional' from my vocabulary for it, it's part of why I love this game, they make their own reality instead of trying to copy the rules of reality we're used to.
For me, I see enough evidence in SRTT and SRIV that could 'logically' (logics based on the parameters of the Saints Row universe) justify them deciding to save at the very least Oleg and Josh, I'm pretty sure Oleg will be saved based on an audio log.
This in turn would most likely apply to Aisha as well then, though I do not know her full story other than what was shown in the Saints of Rage mission.
Fun Shaundi, near the end, was starting to fulfill a similar role for CID, so perhaps they might grab her as well, though that one may have greater repurcussions because she didn't die and would thereby possible affect the current Shaundi depending on which theory of time travel Volition will be going with, the Grandfather dilemma theory or simply the 'Star Trek theory' as explained in an earlier post here.

For Fun Shaundi just make a clone of old Shaundi's body and input Fun Shaundi VR's conscience into it.
And do a Similar thing for CID, give him a clone body (let him have a run at Image as Designed to create his character).
And drop clone bodies in the old time line to replace people they want to stay alive (Lin, Carlos, etc).
This way the old stories stay the same (don't corrupt the time line).
Actually, with Zen Tech you could just pull the Mind from the bodies before they die and then place the mind into a clone body (Star Gate Asgard spoof).

Grab up Oleg before the planet goes pop, and Burk just so Matt doesn't go nuts (teleportation was in Zenyak's wrist unit - in mission 2).

What I don't get is with all of the Zen Tech, they don't list anything about Terra-forming.
Or Planet Reconstruction, a sustained black hole shot into the center of a debris field and you have a planet. Just remember to turn the black hole off before the planet/material is sucked into it. Use of the Shield tech could be used to push/pull material into the are you plan to make a planet... yada yada yada.
I may have missed something, but isn't the simulation destroyed canonically at the end? Fun Shaundi is dead, yo. :(
Nah, it's rebooted, not destroyed. Also, they mention that they have Fun Shaundi saved as a backup on a computer on the ship.

Personally the time travel scenario I'd like to see is the Saints heading back in time to the plane, and charging and beating the shit out of Zinyak when he arrives to get Gat.
I may have missed something, but isn't the simulation destroyed canonically at the end? Fun Shaundi is dead, yo. :(
I'm not quite sure about this: From what I recall (adrenaline rush made my attention span...lacking....) Kinzie was not quite sure, it could go BSOD, or merely reboot.
In the end, you would expect some sort of back-up system to be in place, so the Fun Shaundi template might still be somewhere, remember that she was actually part of Shaundi's nightmare simulation, so perhaps that simulation survived?