What is the reason for the design decision to use Gat and Kinzie as the protagonists?

I like it, make a nice change, all other games surround the Boss's life, it's nice that we can play as Gat and Kinzie, and how the hell do you not like Gat?! You're not a true Saint's fan if you say that. And the Devs are not going to listen to you, they will release what they want on their own accord. They will release more toolkits when they are ready to be out. The weapon SDK was the first.
I think the SDK gonna still need more time to develope, its needs to be user-friendly first before it releases
No, but there are literally thousands who cried out in sorrow after Gat had died in SR:TT. It was because of the fans of Saints Row that Johnny Gat was actually resurrected as a still active character to the series. If I recall correctly, there are over ten thousand fans who wanted him back (including me) and they wanted him to go badass again.

Now of course there are some people out there that literally despise Gat, either because of his personality or because they think he is a jerk, but I would like to think that his role in Saints Row more of a special one than the Boss in ways. He has quite a bit of potential left in him. If you recalled all last four Saints Row games, you would know that Gat didn't get a lot of parts in them, usually because of injury or "death" and only reappearing over halfway through SR:IV. I think that Gat getting his own game is only fair since he was mostly incapacitated back then and his inner strength couldn't be played with.

His like for murder might be unjustified at times, but he has used it against evil. He sort of carries the main game changer of things in Saints Row and his murderous abilities can be used for good, so Gat is a good character to have and he of course in some ways does use his own abilities for good, even if it doesn't help civilians in anyway, but he mostly fights off evil of a different kind.

Though in the end, I really think people deserve their own opinions, so if someone doesn't like Gat, it's fine. Though I'm sure the number of fans basically draws him in more as there are a lot of them. Though in my opinion, playing as Gat is fucking awesome! Also love the idea as playing as Kinzie too!
I for one think it's about damn time Gat got his own chapter in SR. Sill, I'm going to enjoy roaming hell with my own character once the story is over.
I for one think it's about damn time Gat got his own chapter in SR. Sill, I'm going to enjoy roaming hell with my own character once the story is over.

It doesn't work that way. You're not able to use your boss at all in Gat out of Hell.
It doesn't work that way. You're not able to use your boss at all in Gat out of Hell.

What a pity, though I suppose making more boss quotes would just be a waste of time, though custom voices your boss uses is a question if you see him/her in-game apart from the beginning as there are six main default ones originally.
Look on the bright side, everyone: Pierce isn't involved to get himself killed by every grunt he faces
Erm.. Is there going to be any customization for Gat or Kenzie?.. I mean, one of best features of the SR series is the ability to change your characters appearance, to what extent can we mess around with em? Clothing? Body? Voice?