Holy shit you badass mother*ucker im so glad thankyou verymuch i love you ALSO in that image i sent, try to create that old desert camo that have some rocks in the texture that would look nice!This is another rough mock up it needs more seem work and tidying up but his is how it would look as a defuse map, iv not had time to load any of them into game or do spec maps yet as these are all just ideas atm
Why are you posting in this thread about it?can someone help me my game crashes because of the preload anim file i replaced for the npc behavior mod can someone upload an original file
What do you mean by rocks like the brown specs is it? I can add that with custom brush work, I need to find my stylus for my Graphics Tablet as atm im using a mouse and its a shit mouse at that :') makes doing PS work million times harderHoly shit you badass mother*ucker im so glad thankyou verymuch i love you ALSO in that image i sent, try to create that old desert camo that have some rocks in the texture that would look nice!
What do you mean by rocks like the brown specs is it? I can add that with custom brush work, I need to find my stylus for my Graphics Tablet as atm im using a mouse and its a shit mouse at that :') makes doing PS work million times harder
It is super high res but the pattern is super large on it meaning out would have to be made into a seamless pattern then tiled up many times and patched up and that is super potchyWhy dont u use texture he posted? Its nice and high res
Yes i mean that camo i uploadedIt is super high res but the pattern is super large on it meaning out would have to be made into a seamless pattern then tiled up many times and patched up and that is super potchy
espesh as im just making rough mock ups atm
im thinking of making a camo for SRTT Avatar Sword as I just loaded it into SRIV so im having some fun with it