What to do?

Just wonder what to do when you get bored in SRTT. What do you do for fun?
-- Creativity is the cure for boredom --
I have not been bored yet in SRTT.

There are so many fun things you can make up yourself, such as ;

1 - Go to the airport alone and crouch with the machine gun that can fire handgrenades at the NorthEast end of the runway
then activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now as the Luchadores drive towards you in their trucks, fire a series of grenades at the ground just in front of the speeding
truck ( it must be moving ) and see how many trucks you can make explode and fly over your head and over the cliff and into
the water. ( RifleMachineGun at Level 4 with Grenade Launcher - Firing Grenades from one Knee = faster rate of fire )

2 - Go to a water edge ( end of pier, near a bridge or beach ) with the RC Possessor ( remote control gun )
then activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now as the Luchadores drive towards you in their trucks, fire at an approching truck ( you now have remote control of that truck )
and drive it over the edge and into the water. ( as soon as the truck is over the edge, release control or exit to get yourself back into
firing position because there will be many more trucks speeding your way so you gotta be fast ). See how many Luchies you can get
into the water. ( I got 44 of them into the water and then stood at the edge and threw fart bombs at them. lol )

3 - Go near a high tension electric tower that has a chainlink fence around it.
( it must be a closed fence with no doors )
Activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now see how many Luchies you can grab ( human shield ) and throw over the fence,
trapping them inside. ( don't be too close to the fence as they drive towards you so they can't crash into the fence and knock it down )


4 - See how many pedestrians you can gather around you ( and keep them there ) by complimenting them
as they walk by. ( Stand on a wide sidewalk across from Sunset Park )


5 - See how many moving vehicles you can blow up with the molotov cocktail.

There are many more things I do for fun and for challenges if you would like to know.
Defend Broken Shillelagh - gather some notoriety and barricade yourself in Broken Shillelagh. Maybe Phillipe Loren got his own sqaure in Steelport, but his gang will never get Steelport's beer!
-- Creativity is the cure for boredom --
I have not been bored yet in SRTT.

There are so many fun things you can make up yourself, such as ;

1 - Go to the airport alone and crouch with the machine gun that can fire handgrenades at the NorthEast end of the runway
then activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now as the Luchadores drive towards you in their trucks, fire a series of grenades at the ground just in front of the speeding
truck ( it must be moving ) and see how many trucks you can make explode and fly over your head and over the cliff and into
the water. ( RifleMachineGun at Level 4 with Grenade Launcher - Firing Grenades from one Knee = faster rate of fire )

2 - Go to a water edge ( end of pier, near a bridge or beach ) with the RC Possessor ( remote control gun )
then activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now as the Luchadores drive towards you in their trucks, fire at an approching truck ( you now have remote control of that truck )
and drive it over the edge and into the water. ( as soon as the truck is over the edge, release control or exit to get yourself back into
firing position because there will be many more trucks speeding your way so you gotta be fast ). See how many Luchies you can get
into the water. ( I got 44 of them into the water and then stood at the edge and threw fart bombs at them. lol )

3 - Go near a high tension electric tower that has a chainlink fence around it.
( it must be a closed fence with no doors )
Activate full 5 star gang notoriety via the cell phone / extras / cheats / gameplay / add gang notoriety. ( click 5 times )
Now see how many Luchies you can grab ( human shield ) and throw over the fence,
trapping them inside. ( don't be too close to the fence as they drive towards you so they can't crash into the fence and knock it down )

.View attachment 1349

4 - See how many pedestrians you can gather around you ( and keep them there ) by complimenting them
as they walk by. ( Stand on a wide sidewalk across from Sunset Park )

View attachment 1350

5 - See how many moving vehicles you can blow up with the molotov cocktail.

There are many more things I do for fun and for challenges if you would like to know.

You sir, You are a genius!
Get a car with a sloped or low front end ( Raycaster ) and then find Genki and push him with the car slowly untill he is up against a wall, then hit the gas pedal and get him standing on top of the hood of the car, then back up very slow and start driving and see how long you can keep him on the car.



I had him on the car for almost 2 hours. lol