What would be some really cool clothes you'd want to see in SR4?

Nothing special. I'm not into really cool looking things. For the moment I would ask for those two
I know I keep rambling about robot stuff and mechs and transformers (can you tell I am an addict yet?) but I seriously want some more stuff relating to robots and machines. The CID outfit and the like are okay, but not exactly my cup of tea.
I did however love the Iron Saint outfit, but the fact I cannot re-colour it kinda pissed me off.
I'd just love to see parodies of 80s stuff, a Mr T outfit made by combining 'Slasher outfit's dungarees with 'Zimos style suit's chains??? Wrestling Attire of Hulk Hogan?
Doc Brown or Marty McFly outfit? Google the 80s and go wild, please!
I'd most like having SRTT's clothing modded back into SRIV, but outside of that...

I'd love NPC outfits for the player! Including Zin outfits.
More rings! And other jewelry too. Back when I played SR1, I loved the amount of jewelry customization. Granted, we don't have all the slots now but I'd still like some more prebuilt options.
A Super Saiyan 3 hat to go with the other Spikes hat.
Why not some Saiyan-esque armor too?