What'll you do with Mesh Tools?

What'll you do first?

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I know that this might crush the hopes and dreams of some people if THQ/Voliton never releases mesh tools, but I'm quite curious; what're you hoping to do with mesh tools?

(Should they ever be released)
If mesh tools be avalible, ill try to restore gender equality (add genitals to male chars), and also recreate few my favorite pieces of clothing from SR2...
I'd fix the interior of most cars with better models so that first person view works\looks better.
Additionally I'll mess around with NPCs\The game in general.
1 - :confused: Enable the hundreds of LADDERS that are all over the city to be CLIMBABLE:cool:

Have you noticed that there are over 235 ladders in SteelPort ( I spent hours just walking throughout the city and counting as many ladders that are visible, last count was 235, there are still more uncounted ladders that I haven't got to yet ) I tried to climb every ladder that is near ground ( not up on smokestacks or inaccessible ) and NOT a single one can be used.:mad:

However, there are a few buildings that you can climb up the walls.:confused:

Why would so many 3D models, meshes, polygons be placed throughout the city for no use ?

Why hasn't there been a patch to fix this ?
2- Add many jumpramps in logical positions and locations that make sense for cars and boats.
3- Add interiors to many buildings including stairs, open windows, external open aired elevators, working lift platforms and ziplines.
4- Remove and relocate many trees that are in the way of good sniper positions plus many trees that just should not be there.
5- Remove all of the useless power lines from the utility poles or give them a collision mesh so you can tightrope walk on them.
6- Add working Subway trains to the elevated tracks that run in both directions
( both tracks used in opposite directions )
automatically controlled by a NPC train operator, making all stops at the stations or running express ( non stop ) and can be train jacked ( you take control of the train ).
Just imagine the fights through the subway cars that can also occur on the roof of the speeding train.
7- Add train tracks to the freight tracks that form a continuous loop around the city ( no dead ends along the main line ) and add cannons to the flatcars.
8- Remodel all those UGLY NPCs and make them nicer looking or create and add NEW NPCs that are modeled by me
( lots of beautiful women walking around the city like they do here in my city, New York City )
It would be nice to have a feature where you can create additional custom NPCs via the IAD ( Image As Designed ) interface and create NPCs that look like people you know.:cool:
Make a NPC that looks like your boss, ex girlfriend or teacher and then find them and kick their ass. lol:D
9- Add more strip clubs where the strippers actually strip and dance nude 24/7.:p
featuring all nude girl wrestling and cat fights.
10- Add ALL FEMALE gangs and gameplay modes where you infiltrate the girl gangs and help them fight rival girl gangs for city takeover then when there is a dominating gang that has control of most of the city you then leave them and infiltrate one of the lesser girl gangs and then help them take control of the city. Jumping from one group of girls, then jumping into another group of girls
( reminds me of when I was in my 20's lol :cool: )
So it's a cuntinuous cycle of gameplay that can take many directions ( not just a one way street like SR3 where you get city control, fight stag and then that's it...game over:rolleyes: )
11- Add JETPACKS for the player and homies.
12- Add dancing girls to every corner of the city 24/7
( got most corners with dancing girls in a SR3 mod I made )


These are just a few things that I would do with all the tools, there are many more additions, modifications and advanced vehicles and weapons that I have in mind and will be including in the game that I am creating and developing with my staff but too many to mention here.
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Wow.. that Font is REALLY hard to read...
Can you make it bigger?