Where will Saints Row go next?

Volition barely knows what they're doing/where they're going with Saints Row as it is.

If they suddenly tried to make an MMO, it's going to be

Besides we all know what happened when single player games tried to shoe-horn in a multiplayer gimmick that didn't even work or in many cases worked against the game and it's players. *cough Skyrim Online*, *cough Diablo 3*, *cough Simcity 2013*.
They ought to go to space and settle in a new planet. It is the most logical step after the events of Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, and would allow Volition to combine serious and extravagant elements. Make it a dystopia a la Mega City One, but with super powers and crazy activities. Just give me Superman-esque flying, dammit.
Considering there's going to be a new creative director and the wackiness reached critical mass with GooH, I don't see it how it won't mellow down with the next incarnation.
Depends on what that creative director wants. For all we know, he/she plans to tone it down a notch or two.
The sales figures don't indicate any "Toning it down" is in order. The more whacky the series has become, the better the games have sold through. I certainly hope they put SR and SR2 in the rear view mirror and never look back, both of those games were terrible for varying reasons. The path that SRTT and SR4 have been on has been critically successful, I don't suspect there will be too much departure from that formula in the next game of the series.