Which file alters the height of the sky dome?

So I can't be the only one trying to find a way to remove or lift that forcefield in the sky, anyone have any clue which .xtbl file controls its height?
It's most likely within the world files Joe and therefore not editable until we get the SDK.
Goooood news bad news! I was able to find a work around in the Tweak table, it allows me to fly above it, not climb it. That works out though since there are know collision meshes for the ship up there, and its hollow... sad. :(


its such a shame we didn't get to blow that up, or at least turn it blue :(

Yeah, I think we should get it blue or blown up. If this really works on your nerves, perhaps we can later switch it off like we were able with the Daedalus in saints row the third.
Goooood news bad news! I was able to find a work around in the Tweak table, it allows me to fly above it, not climb it. That works out though since there are know collision meshes for the ship up there, and its hollow... sad. :(

What value did you tweak?