Why No PC Limited Edition Bundle?

Thats either an error, or someone is taking it upon themselves to open the package and put the PC version in the box (which is all that needs to be done to release it)
Well they're excuse is low demand for the PC version as they've stated in an interview.
If you re-listen to what Aubrey said, it's not that there was low demand for the PC version, it's basically that no Retailers (i.e. Gamestop) wanted to carry the PC version because they didn't think it would sell.
If you re-listen to what Aubrey said, it's not that there was low demand for the PC version, it's basically that no Retailers (i.e. Gamestop) wanted to carry the PC version because they didn't think it would sell.

Well than, low demand from retailers... if it makes such a difference.
If you pre order you get it, it doesn't matter where you live...
I think you're wrong, because my stepdad ordered it for me, and he says it doesn't include those three items. But he says they might have those three items included within a week, so, I don't know..
If you re-listen to what Aubrey said, it's not that there was low demand for the PC version, it's basically that no Retailers (i.e. Gamestop) wanted to carry the PC version because they didn't think it would sell.
Traditional retailers hate carrying Steamworks games too. ;)
Well, if you don't carry many PC games, the PC gamers tend to stop bothering to visit, since you never bother putting up anything worth buying. If they never even put in any effort, of course it won't sell. So since they never bother, it doesn't sell as well, and then they can make the excuse that it probably won't sell. Instead, sites like Amazon get to profit off of the games that traditional retailers refuse to bother selling.
Well, I won't whine about it.

Who the hell cares.
As fun as SR3 was for me, lacking the mods, it had very little replaybility to it. I find the game far more enjoyable modded
with the outstanding mods one can find here at SaintsRowMods. I had far more fun running free roam due to mods,
than to any DLC Volition offered DUE TO MODS.

One can not do that with a game boy version of the game.

I'm very happy Volition has said they see the light and have said they are working with the outstanding leaders of this community to make the existing
SR3 and the new SR4 more easily modified by those of us with the sense to use a PC as a gaming platform.

I'm speaking to the choir here. We all know why we love SR games and why we are here on these boards. I just had to say, I DON"T GIVE A DAMN.
Just make the game as free of bugs as possible and let us have tools to 'fix' what needs to be fixed later. WooHoo!

Let the gameboy crowd have the 'perks' they end up with a lesser game in the long run.

*Yes, I use gameboy crowd as a disparaging term. I've been a PC gamer since the early mid 80's and the only console I have is a PS3 I bought only 2 years ago and
I view the game consoles as a disease that dilutes the cash pool and leads to lesser quality games on the proper platform, the general purpose PC.
Flame away.