Why Volition will never do a SR-SR2 Remake

Sorry, maybe this title sounds ominous or something.
To tell the truth I would definitely buy a SR2 Remaster/Remake anytime but I also understand in my guts why Volition never planned any of it so far.

From a creative standpoint, working back on a past project isn't as easy than most may assume.
Every single creation is a product of its time in many senses: done with the mindset, skills, time, means, opportunities, luck and misfortune at the moment. At least to my experience, we work at the best of our abilities at the time being and no matter how invested we've been during the whole process, moving on as soon as the project is finished. It's part of the creative journey.

It's not video game but the example of webcomic can convey the issue:
An artist begin their webcomic publication by making pages, one at a time. After years worth of content, the artist notices flaws on the earliest works: mostly art, panel structure and story/character inconsistencies. We improve through practice and noticing flaws in past art is common. It would be tempting to remake the older pages up to the current comic standards. If successful, it could even be an opportunity to release a print with the updated art! Neat!
...it's however not a very good idea for many reasons:
-While readers agree with the past content being outdated, a lot of them may still perceive the old artworks as powerful in their own rights. Updating the art would look more polished but also miss the feel the artist conveyed back then. "The art looked better but I loved how impactful the character's expression was in the original"
-Remastering some very old art would often imply redrawing them from scratch. Applying this logic on years worth of past content will definitely take a lot of time, no matter how faster and better the artist got. A time that could be invested on making the continuation of the comic.
To my knowledge, the most reasonable compromise is to make manageable, minor improvements like text font replacements or such.

Now getting back on SR2:
As much as I love this game I'm aware about how dated and old it is. A up to current standards remake would require a significant overhaul on so many things: gameplay, animation, assets, engine limitations, etc... to the point of being as demanding as making a brand new game.
The people who worked on it probably moved on and no longer have the mindset they had back then. I saw statements from Volition devs pointing on the inconsistent tone in SR2. I cringe at drawings I made 5 years ago so I can relate to their feelings. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a lot of SR2 devs are proud of what they accomplished but it's been made over a decade ago. It aged while still being a fine game many delightfully replay, me included.
By the way, I'm hoping IdolNinja's(T_T) SR2 PC patch project to get released in a near future.

We all have a finite time on earth and moving forward by making new things is often the choice a creative would make. We all have our opinion but Volition's approach with the reboot is actually the most risky while cashing hard on nostalgia and fanservice would be way more safer. I respect that regardless of the end result, most creatives never do bad stuff on purpose after all. I'm the type of person who want to be surprised, it's always a delight to unexpectedly enjoy something.
...like SR2 back in the days, actually.

Good luck to any creative out there, doing their best with the uncertainty of the end result. I will never hate anyone who's failing from trying.

P.S. : a SR2 remaster/remake remains possible, but most likely by another studio if it ever happen.
Who knows. Maybe one day DS let Sperasoft remaster SR2 like SRTT and we'll see the game on a new graphics engine. Mike Watson said it multiple times that Volition don't do remasters or remakes. They're focused on making new games only.
the comparison to a single person working on a personal project is not a good one as video games are products made by huge teams where in the end the only thing that matters to those in charge is the profits. if someone at THQ Nordic/Deep Silver suddenly decides that remastering sr1 and/or sr2 will make enough money to justify it, we'll get them. there was some tweet from THQ Nordic a long while back that expressed some interest in a sr2 remaster in particular, but that obviously hasn't gone anywhere yet

and in the end just like Admixon said, Volition won't be making them no matter what so their opinion on anything is moot. it's not like all the same people are even working at the company anymore anyways so it's not a good comparison even if it did matter.
Yeah video games and webcomic are not on the same scale, but I think my example is more an attempt to explain why Volition's staff don't have the impulse to work on remasters/remakes themselves. My assumption being that they choose moving forward by making new stuff instead of spending time and energy refreshing past works. The fact that it's not all the same people in Volition now doesn't change that much in my opinion.

Anyway, I'd welcome a SR-SR2 remaster anytime but I have the strong feeling porting them on a new engine and with a brand new coat of paint may be harder than it looks. Red Faction Guerilla and SR3 got recent remasters but they were developed on a late version of their engine with way better optimization.
I'd love more than anyone to be proven wrong on that matter but only time will tell.
This was answered by Idolninja before dozens of times. Aside from what Admixon said about volition only making new stuff, the reason we probably wont ever get a remaster/remake of the first two games its because of how old and buggy their source code is, and the fact that SR1 lacks a PC build. It would need a lot of rework to the point that everything would need be made from scratch only to make it work with new gens. Mike watson said it was pretty much a monetary situation. Remaking them would cost almost the same and would take as much time as developing a brand new game.

Knowing this i can see why DS decided to remaster SR3 since is the only game in the franchise with a stable build on PC. Increase the memory limit, add new models and 4k textures and thats it. Lazy remaster.

As much i would love a new gen version of the first two games, the only way i can see them happening is if SR suddenly becomes mainstream and potentially grows its fanbase. Maybe that way DS can justify the cost of making these games from scratch and give the task to another studio. But tbh... after SRTTR, not sure if I want another lazy and buggy remaster.
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Man i said this many time before and i am saying this again, i am ready to sell my left kidney for Sr1 pc port. If they remaster it with pc relaase i know so most of the old school fans ready to give a new game money for that. Its no secret that old school fans didnt get sh.t since Sr2 and we will never see another saints row game with that tone again. Thats why i beleive a Sr 1 pc port or remasters of first two sell millions.
It would be nice to have a remaster of sr2/sr1 or a pc version of sr1... but keep in mind that the sourcecode is a bit uhh, well u know. And they must build everything from scratch.. Just like BeautiDuwanger said.
I dont think source code is the main problem here. You and i know they use almost same source code for Sr2. If they just fix the sr2 source code from the scratch they can use that for both Sr1 and 2 after that all they need to add some small codes for Sr1 and rest is just texture qualities and small graphical upgrades. If they fix sr2 source code correctly they can boost the performace for both games.
Hmm, didnt though about that way.. you might be right. Even tho, Volition dont want to make remaster or remake version of it. Which is a shame.. but i guess i understand why.
Sorry, maybe this title sounds ominous or something.
To tell the truth I would definitely buy a SR2 Remaster/Remake anytime but I also understand in my guts why Volition never planned any of it so far.

From a creative standpoint, working back on a past project isn't as easy than most may assume.
Every single creation is a product of its time in many senses: done with the mindset, skills, time, means, opportunities, luck and misfortune at the moment. At least to my experience, we work at the best of our abilities at the time being and no matter how invested we've been during the whole process, moving on as soon as the project is finished. It's part of the creative journey.

It's not video game but the example of webcomic can convey the issue:
An artist begin their webcomic publication by making pages, one at a time. After years worth of content, the artist notices flaws on the earliest works: mostly art, panel structure and story/character inconsistencies. We improve through practice and noticing flaws in past art is common. It would be tempting to remake the older pages up to the current comic standards. If successful, it could even be an opportunity to release a print with the updated art! Neat!
...it's however not a very good idea for many reasons:
-While readers agree with the past content being outdated, a lot of them may still perceive the old artworks as powerful in their own rights. Updating the art would look more polished but also miss the feel the artist conveyed back then. "The art looked better but I loved how impactful the character's expression was in the original"
-Remastering some very old art would often imply redrawing them from scratch. Applying this logic on years worth of past content will definitely take a lot of time, no matter how faster and better the artist got. A time that could be invested on making the continuation of the comic.
To my knowledge, the most reasonable compromise is to make manageable, minor improvements like text font replacements or such.

Now getting back on SR2:
As much as I love this game I'm aware about how dated and old it is. A up to current standards remake would require a significant overhaul on so many things: gameplay, animation, assets, engine limitations, etc... to the point of being as demanding as making a brand new game.
The people who worked on it probably moved on and no longer have the mindset they had back then. I saw statements from Volition devs pointing on the inconsistent tone in SR2. I cringe at drawings I made 5 years ago so I can relate to their feelings. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a lot of SR2 devs are proud of what they accomplished but it's been made over a decade ago. It aged while still being a fine game many delightfully replay, me included.
By the way, I'm hoping IdolNinja's(T_T) SR2 PC patch project to get released in a near future.

We all have a finite time on earth and moving forward by making new things is often the choice a creative would make. We all have our opinion but Volition's approach with the reboot is actually the most risky while cashing hard on nostalgia and fanservice would be way more safer. I respect that regardless of the end result, most creatives never do bad stuff on purpose after all. I'm the type of person who want to be surprised, it's always a delight to unexpectedly enjoy something.
...like SR2 back in the days, actually.

Good luck to any creative out there, doing their best with the uncertainty of the end result. I will never hate anyone who's failing from trying.

P.S. : a SR2 remaster/remake remains possible, but most likely by another studio if it ever happen.
one word only "funds" okey!