Will The New Saints Row Game Support Mods?

Is it possible to just leave loose xtbl files in the main directory like old games or are we definitely going to need to repack stuff?
I think they nixed that in the SR3R didn't they? SO I'd find that kind of unlikely?
Could have sworn we were still getting away with that on 3 and 4, but its been ages since I modded a SR game properly. I gotta say I'm dying to get under the hood of this one and start tinkering with the weapons.
Huh, I remember tinkering with one of my old mods out of the box to see if I could get it working and it mostly functioned, though all the icons appeared wrong. I debated relearning some things so I could port over Stun Gun Fun, but it kind of fell to the side.

What's on display in SR22 though makes me hopeful the weapons days will function similarly, which means there's a whole big world of tinkering I could do as soon as we have a way to access those files.
Is it possible to just leave loose xtbl files in the main directory like old games or are we definitely going to need to repack stuff?
I had an idea last night that I spent some time today after work on. Instead of trying to repack all the files, just append the modified files to the end of the packfile, and update the size and offset in the header. I think it could create some flexibility in that as long as we keep track of the changed files/offsets it has the potential to allow for the easy file management in the future. It's also way easier that I can just write it in Python rather than having to struggle with C# and Visual Studio (and Windows) and the abstraction necessary to support 5 different versions of the game that Minimaul's tools have.

tldr, I figured out a way to modify the data in the packfiles, I got it working and loading in the game last night, I'm going to clean it up before I turn this into something I actually feel comfortable releasing
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Imma be real, chief, that's galaxy brain stuff to me. I think I get what you're getting at... We had this like who process waaaay back where we unpacked the pack files, then you made your changes, repacked... And then you had to update some additional table and for the life of me I can't remember anything else. I'm sorry, it's been short of a decade since I last modded a Saints Row game, but the new one has just been so fun and it brings back a lot of good memories of this place and getting under the hood to tweak things.
I have been trying to get loose audio files to load into the game to no avail. However, I was able to change the main menu music to Lil Wayne by patching sr_boot.vcc_pc so making some progress. I'll probably write up a guide this weekend on how to mod/patch the audio in general (I have all the game audio extracted to ogg), it requires a few different tools, but it's very doable.

Update: I got my own recursive extractor working, which keeps the file paths intact and extracts even the ones with fail with minimauls tools right now. It makes it so much easier to see where everything should be. I think there is still hope for loose file mods without having to patch everything, but still trying to figure it out.
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