Worth Buying Now or Wait For a Deep Sale?

Same, i also own them on Xbox. I just buy them to support volition. To be honest, i haven't even played Gat out of Hell and Agents of Mayhem.

I love all the SR games, even the ones that were a little divisive in the SR community. I won't lie, though, I thought AoM was absolutely horrible as a game. I got bored after a few hours of freeroam activities.
They've really yet to release a game I've had a bad time with in a very long time, but maybe I'm just holding weirdly grumpy feelings about Red Faction: Armageddon. Heck, even AoM I found myself putting enough time into to at least max out the levels on all the characters, and I could really see myself dumping a similar amount of repeat visits and time into the new game if it just... Worked a tiny bit smoother.

Nothing is so broken you can't have a great deal of fun, but I've certainly ran into a few problems that leave me longing. I'm going to keep hoping for the best outcome for Volition on all this.
i haven't even played Gat out of Hell and Agents of Mayhem.
I've played them both from start to finish and I've 100%:ed em both.

Gat out of Hell isn't that bad honestly. It feels a bit too much like SR4 in my opinion, but it's short, has some fun missions, has the best weapons in all SR games IMO and in general it was pretty fun for at least a few hours. I'd suggest you try it.

Agents of Mayhem on the other hand... I felt that game was repetitive as hell. At some parts I legit felt it was an early release demo or something. If you take a base, the bad guys take them back without any warning or indication whatsoever. The final boss was damn near impossible on the highest difficulty. I have no idea why because the rest of the game was very much playable on that difficulty, but yeah.

I think the biggest mistake they did with AoM was that you have ~20 characters that all need almost the exact same voice lines. It makes the game feel bland as (Gat out of) hell. I really wish they would have limited the amount of agents more or something, flesh 10 of them out and give them more abilities, etc. Instead we got 20 mediocre agents.

tl;dr: Try GooH, dodge AoM.
I'd wait for a $20 sale, if you have anything else to play.

I'm so glad I canceled my $90 pre-order and am currently playing it through my GameFly account.
I'd wait for full Steam release (because the game feels like an early access right now). Bet most of the bugs will be fixed, the game should receive some new DLCs, we'll have some official modding tools (as they promised) and it will be discounted for sure
I pre-ordered the cheapest version on Epic because I couldn't wait any longer but even with so many bugs I don't regret buying it
Also, PC or PS5?

Oddly enough, I don't care about the reviews blasting the game. I absolutely intend to buy it. I would have bought it day 1, ignoring the reviews, but I can't decide on the platform. I REALLY want it on PC, for any future mods, and also, SR just feels right to buy on PC. But I am concerned that the game has been reported as poorly optimized for PC and that it is a lot more buggy than the PS5 or Series versions. Also, my new gaming PC is a high end 17" Omen with a GeForce RTX 3070, which is perfectly good for any game out now, even if some settings might have to be dialed down on the high end games. But with the PC version issues, will this game look or play crappy on my laptop?

I prefer it on PC for all the reasons I stated, but also because I do a lot of gaming at work, since I have a lot of down time, so I always bring my laptop to the office. Obviously I can't play on my PS5 at work. lol


PS: Since I didn't buy it on day 1, part of me thinks waiting for a sale would be prudent. Also, I am not a fan of Epic Games, and I may want to wait for the Steam version, but that isn't a deal-breaker.

Keep your money, wait for a mega discount sale and buy something better on epic game store or even on steam.
I'd wait for full Steam release (because the game feels like an early access right now). Bet most of the bugs will be fixed, the game should receive some new DLCs, we'll have some official modding tools (as they promised) and it will be discounted for sure
I pre-ordered the cheapest version on Epic because I couldn't wait any longer but even with so many bugs I don't regret buying it
This is probably the best advice. I do feel a little bad recommending to not buy now because I know that's not going to do Volition any immediate favors, at the same time I can't say its less than fun currently. Basically yeah, same boat, impatient and me wanty Saints.

Year 1 Complete Edition on Steam next year will probably be rad as hell.
Keep your money, wait for a mega discount sale and buy something better on epic game store or even on steam.

I have other games to play, so I can wait. I honestly wanted this on Day 1, and was willing to overlook the terrible reviews, but I didn't want the game on my PS5, and prefer it on PC for the mods and such, but from what I am reading, PC is the worst port. Since I haven't bought it yet, I might as welll wait for either a deep sale or for it to come to Steam. Honestly, from what little I have seen of Epic Games, I'm not a fan. But admittedly that is very limited info. I think at this point, Volition/Deep Silver would be foolish not to port it to Steam ASAP. Although, they may have some contractual exclusivity with Epic. From what I have seen, after an huge initial sales, it seems like nobody is buying this game. If it comes to Steam in the coming month or two, then they will probably have a huge holiday discount. Hell, Epic Games might do a big Christmas sale, but I am not familiar with their platform.