Would this be feasible? (change to forum rules)

I'd support the banning of anyone who admits to be under 17 years old. Legally, you can't be sold "M" rated games if you are underage and probably shouldn't be posting on an Internet forum that specifically discusses the content of these games.
I couldnt agree more Shitface :D, I find it so retarded when Pairents are like yes ill buy an 18 rated game for my child, but they would be horrified if it was porn or if theyr child was getting drunk as thats also 18 over in the UK.
I'd support the banning of anyone who admits to be under 17 years old. Legally, you can't be sold "M" rated games if you are underage and probably shouldn't be posting on an Internet forum that specifically discusses the content of these games.
Actually no, at least not in the US. (I understand the law that results in those bans is UK law, but "M" is a US rating.) In fact, according to the Supreme Court, such a law would be unconstitutional. Refusing to sell the games is just most stores' policy, not the law. IMO it's a stupid policy though; I believe they should be able to play what they want regardless of age (I know many will disagree) and while it makes the parents happy, it takes away from sales, and most importantly, makes the would-be customers unhappy.
Yeah, you're correct. At least where I live, under provincial law, stores can get slapped with a huge fine if they sell or rent an M rated game to a minor. That's the way I think it should be. While it's ultimately the parents' responsibility to monitor the content their kids watch, stores shouldn't be letting them have easy access to games or movies that contain graphic violence or sexuality either just for the sake of making a few sales.
By American law, no State or Federal body can mandate the age limit of any media. However most publishers and retailers police themselves, restricting the sale of adult material to minors. Wal-Mart doesn't have to sale an M-rated game to a minor, however if they do the government cannot not punish them for doing it.

Back on topic however, play Halo on Xbox Live for 10 minutes and then return with your opinion of whether we want minors on here calling everyone 'homo's' constantly. Idol and Minimaul would break their ban hammers.
By American law, no State or Federal body can mandate the age limit of any media. However most publishers and retailers police themselves, restricting the sale of adult material to minors. Wal-Mart doesn't have to sale an M-rated game to a minor, however if they do the government cannot not punish them for doing it.

Back on topic however, play Halo on Xbox Live for 10 minutes and then return with your opinion of whether we want minors on here calling everyone 'homo's' constantly. Idol and Minimaul would break their ban hammers.
Halo aint bad on xbox try playing COD zombies you will wana kill you self due to all the kids who are just retarded :|