Your most hated weapon in Saints Row IV?

Knowing the game Saints Row IV, you can tell that the game has many fun times you can have with all the carnage you can create just starting a small street fight in the simulation. However, sometimes we have the options of fighting with the most crude of weapons that seem pointless to the extreme to use. Some of which, the weapons become our most disliked in the game and make you literally hate them, thus making you want to avoid even obtaining them.

It is because of these moments that I feel the need to ask: What is your most hated weapon within the gameplay of Saints Row IV?

Since playing through the game and experiencing it with the arsenal that the Zin have, I have noted what the reliability of each weapon has been and made a mental note of why I like/dislike the choices I have. My most hated weapon within the game would be the Alien SMG.

Question: Why do I hate the Alien SMG?

Answer: Because it literally is a crappy weapon. The weapon is used quite a bit through the storyline (mostly by the Zin) however, they seem to be an easy challenge to deal with when the enemy handles them, which makes the weapon seem weak, however in your possession, the Alien Sub Machine Gun is much more annoying. An example of how it feels like to use the weapon is to imagine the Alien SMG as an automatic Quickshot pistol with half the damage in each shot.

Con 1: The blasts the weapon has is poorly supported as it spreads out a more widely than any bullet weapon, though most shots are likely to hit the target you are aiming for.

Con 2: The recoil to the weapon is to strong despite the maximum amount of upgrades you get for it. The weapon will also raise quite quickly under repetitive shots.

Con 3: Despite the upgrades you can get for the damage on the gun, the time it takes to defeat an enemy Zin is annoying as other enemies are bound to get a fair amount of time to take you on while you are busy.

So this is basically all I can come up with when it comes to hating that weapon. But now it is your turn to explain your hatred of a weapon. What weapon do you dislike most of all? Feel free to explain to me why my choice is incorrect or tell me what I got wrong in the three cons.

[Note]: I don't mean to criticize any of the hard work the Volition workers do, however I had to basically rant out my distaste for the weapon to bring out what I didn't like from it. Though I don't literally think the weapon is completely useless, just terrible for using in just about any use in the game. Unless you want to have a fight with very little effort to be gained.
All rapid-fire-capable heat-limited weapons. This includes the alien pistol, SMG, rifle and lasergun (unless you upgrade the last one)

1. You are limited by heat. This simply disrupts gameplay without adding additional value. The concept of SMG's "hotter means stronger" is kind of good, but in practice means virtually nothing, the damage is still low.

2. You're still limited by ammo. Ammo is by no means scarce, but putting two limitations with no benefit is just not good.

I have more fun with automatic rifle and MP5 compared to alien rifle and alien smg. I can shoot for extended period of time without a long, awkward pause, every few seconds. Conventional weapons have fast reload time (after upgrade) compared to the cooldown time.
I'm not much of a fan of the new SR4 pistols. The quickshot/9mm pistol is tiny, and the heavy pistol looks too bulky.

The Saints Row 3 KA-1 Kobra pistol with suppressor/light is probably my favorite looking weapon in SR3/4.

Aside from that, I dislike the burst fire rifles. The timing of the pause between bursts tends to not work with my playstyle. I don't think there's any playstyle in SR where burst fire is favored over full auto. The accuracy bonus of the burst weapon is countered by manually burst/single firing a full-auto weapon, and you have the luxury of going full auto if the enemies get close.
With the exception of the Thump Gun and Bounce Rifle all of the laser\charge based weapons have either been meh (S3X Hammer, Dominator, Viper, Alien Pistol, Disentigrator) or atrocious (Sonic Boom, Laser Minigun and Alien SMG).
Another gripe I have is the hip-fire animation for the shotguns in SR3-SR4. It looks good with guns such as the Grave Digger and Streetsweeper but looks very awkward on other shotguns such as the Hunter or Full Choke Silenced.
I hate the Alien Rifle, SMG, and Pistol for pretty much all the same reasons posted. Fortunately when you are forced to use them there are usually murderbots you can beat up and steal the arms off of.
All melee weapons except the light sword and the baseball bat.
I don't like the Alien rifle, because... it's just so slow.
I'd rather use the Alien SMG. It's heat rate is kinda too quick, but still better than using the slow rifle.
The ridiculous Sex toy bat.
I disliked it because it's a running gag that almost every obnoxious jerk (like ANGRY JOE & his lame SaintsRowThe3rd review) who has an issue with SaintsRowThe3rd & SaintsRowThe4th points out like that one ridiculous weapon is suppose to damage SaintsRowThe3rd/SaintsRowThe4th's credibility of being a good game.

News flash, The purple sex toy is an optional (meaning you didn't have to use it) weapon & it wasn't a key component to anything.

I'd used the tentacle, probe, Genki bat, every other melee weapon except the sex toy because it's a running gag that turned stupid & was the sole focus for idiots to point at.
I agree.
also what is stupid how some of the "fans" claim sr3/4 are bad games and that the sr series should go back to sr2s style... even though sr2 gets pretty damn clunky at times. and isnt NEARLY as perfect as everyone says it is. is it a bad game? fuck no. do i love it? fuck yes, but to me sr reached its peak when it said "hey guys, let's just tie up realism and throw it off a cliff and let's focus on giving the player a good time and nothing else." which they did in spades.

those same "fans" get really obnoxious too. every review on sr4 has comments of them bitching about the "good old days."
as for useless weapons, i never liked the streetsweeping lasergun.... difficult to aim for me.