Fire Pistol

I was messin around with the flame thrower and the pistols and i came up with this:

It truns your shitty KA-1 Kobra pistol into a not so shitty FLAMETHROWER.
NOTE: this only works with the level 1 and level 4 pistol so upgrade\downgrade your weapon!

Burnin' some homies:

The inactive gun:
Inactive gun.jpg

I have included a how to merge so that you can merge this with your other weapon mods
Have fun and BURN SOMEBODY!


Any other shitty weapons that need an awesome upgrade?

The Grave Digger either needs to fire faster, or fire rockets.
The military assault rifle needs to be full auto. And fire rockets.
The gang assault rifle needs to fire rockets out of the grenade attachment.
(Legit request here) The cyber SMGs need to be upgraded. More damage, upgradeable, no cool-down time.
(Legit request) The electric grenades need to have a bigger effect radius, plus more damage.
(Legit request) The RC possessor needs an unlimited range.
Also, is it possible to fire molotovs and such out of the grenade attachment with out doing the whisper-kick animation?
Just finished V.1.1 have fun and feel free to post any bugs:
Includes the fire pistol mod! turns the KA1-Kobra into a flamethrower, only works on the level 1 and 4 weapon.Any lag issues should be fixed (reduced fire_cone lengthand range)
The Grave Digger fires faster and is full auto
The AR-55 is full auto
Cyber SMGs' have no overheat
The RPG is full auto and fires extremely fast
The electric grenades have a bigger effect radius and the effect lasts for 15 seconds
RC gun has infinite RANGE!
Mollusk Launcher is full auto + unlimited mind control time
The Gang Assault Rifle fires molotovs out of the grenade attachment
saintsrowthethird_dx11 2013-01-07 11-46-58-60.jpg


Just finished it have fun and feel free to post any bugs:
Includes the fire pistol mod! turns the KA1-Kobra into a flamethrower, only works on the level 1 and 4 weapon.
The Grave Digger fires faster and is full auto
The AR-55 is full auto
The Gang Assault Rifle fires molotovs out of the grenade attachment
Cyber SMGs' have no overheat
The RPG is full auto and fires extremely fast
The electric grenades have a bigger effect radius and the effect lasts for 15 seconds
RC gun has infinite RANGE!
Mollusk Launcher is full auto + unlimited mind control time

Holy shit, thanks. I'll download tomorrow, see if it's as badass as it sounds.
I have encountered a serious problem. (Fire Pistol) If i hold down fire for more than a few seconds I start to lag to all hell.
It might be because the gun seems locked in the mid-firing position, where the chamber(?) snaps back to load another bullet, except its stuck at the farthest back position.
Police use the Kobra, and you can guess the amount of lag that I experience when I get into police fights.
Also, the molotov firing doesn't seem to work. I still do the animation of throwing the molotov, and throw it out of my hand.