Can't get this weapon skin to work

Hey there,
been working on another SR2 weapon remake. Sadly, I ran into a problem I'm not able to fix: Whenever I try to choose my skin in Friendly Fire, the model doesn't show up. It's probably got something to do with its geometry and resulting export errors. Then again, I looked at my logs and they all say the export finished successfully...
I attached my fbx file, Maya scene and Packfiles folder below, just in case someone wants to help. *cough* @Donhonk *cough* :D

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Still not making any progress. What I've tried so far:
-checking for loose vertices/edges that don't contribute to the geometry (I'm pretty sure there are none)
-getting rid of all split edges (not working)
-deleting about 90% of the weapon's geometry for debug purposes (strangely working, but obviously not a solution)
-skinning every bone to at least a few vertices (the skin I want to replace has some bones I don't want to use; not working anyway)

Any Ideas @[V]Meatplowz?


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Ill take a look, but Im thinking *size* is the issue in this case. Try scaling the specular down to 512x512. And if that still doesnt work then scale the specular and diffuse down to 512x512.
Ill take a look, but Im thinking *size* is the issue in this case. Try scaling the specular down to 512x512. And if that still doesnt work then scale the specular and diffuse down to 512x512.

Thank you so much! I totally forgot about Saints Row's memory limitations. After scaling down the spec map, everything works fine.