[Enhanced Graphics 2] Saints Row 2 : Shinobu" Fix - Ultra Settings

Thanks ! It work
That sounds like a problem with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Runtime libraries in Microsoft Windows 10.

To solve this problem go to: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2977003

And, more to the point:

Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 from Official Microsoft Download Center

Upon installing these libraries (install both 64-bit and 32-bit if you are on 64-bit Windows), your problems are relatively solved. No restart is required.


Thanks ! It worked...
I'm impressed but for the wrong reason. It somehow reshaded the Volition intro. I didn't know that was possible! Other than that, amazing mod. Thanks. ;)
re-read the first rule of the forum
I own the Gog version of the game. I have installed the ultra settings, but my game couldn't launch. I thought to myself "Ok, I'm just gonna delete the files, and everything will be all right." And that's when the problem started.
I have deleted those mod files, but I still couldn't run my game. Then I have un-installed it and installed it, deleting every possible trail of the primarily install. After the fresh new install, the problem was the same - I couldn't run my game.
I have un-installed and installed my game again, still no luck. Not that I was unable to play my game anymore, but Gog Galaxy launcher (application similar to Steam app) couldn't recognize my game in its library anymore.
I lost all my screenshots because of you, during the re-installation process.
Then, I have deleted the game, downloaded my game through Gog Galaxy launcher, and look how my game looks like now because of you:

I want you to fix this chaos your mod has caused me.

Please, do not get me started with Microsoft Visual, and C++ packs and stuff like that, because I own them all, and my game worked just fine before this mess you call a mod.
It is not possible for a mod to do most of what you're talking about. Any alterations would be gone as soon as you deleted the new files and reinstalled the game. I'm sorry that your system has coincidentally suffered a strange failure at about the same time as you tried a mod, but correlation does not necessarily imply causation. I must point out that the game still not working after a completely fresh installation is evidence that the mod is not the cause, if you think about it for a moment.

Since the mod can't be responsible, I'm afraid there's not likely anything Squarealex can do for you.

Naturally, it could be that you didn't restore all the modded files back to their original state, but you seem pretty adamant that you did everything correctly in that regard. If you deleted the entire game folder and installed it fresh from GOG, that's it, then: you're playing an unmodded version of the game.
Them screenshots looks more like a failing graphics card to me. Just curious, have you updated your graphic card drivers?

I know this post may seem redundant, but...

Dude, first off, how do you expect that the modder has any idea of how to help with this? Considering this sounds like a tall story to begin with, and it's pretty difficult to find out what exactly happened with whatever graphics settings you had when everything messed up.

Second off, I first ran this game with graphics mods on a nVidia card, and I am telling you that it is impossible for this to happen. This is a texture mod with no executable elements, it cannot force the nVidia Control Panel to change its settings. Either something something went wrong on your end, or you yourself did something along the way. I don't know what information you got from The GOG Support Team to support your claims, but it is not the mod.

Third, just completely uninstall and reinstall the game if the GOG Launcher isn't recognizing it. I don't personally use it myself, but if the launcher isn't recognizing it, something in the game itself was altered. It almost sounds like the GOG game ID files were deleted or altered so that the Launcher doesn't recognize your install of SR2 anymore. None of the mods on this site touch any of GOG's or Steam's game ID files, so this graphical mod couldn't have done that.

GOG Files.png
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Is there a way to use this without bloom, but with everything else? At least i think it's bloom that's causing the issue. Anything that has a glow is glowing WAY too much. Below is a screenshot i took of Aisha's pad right after the Jailbreak mission (very beginning of the game).


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