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  1. C

    SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

    I disagree, somewhat. I will say that it was indeed quite short, and that it would have been better if there was more of it. But isn't that true of everything? Personally, I knew exactly what I was purchasing with the season pass. Past experience told me right where to set my expectations, and...
  2. C

    Saints Row IV DLC info thread

    Personally, I support it. I hate restricted content, be it timed exclusives, pre-order bonuses, or platform specific DLC. It's just a nice, acceptable way for them to say "we're only going to sell you 90% of the game". When they make ALL of the content available for a game I enjoy, I can only...
  3. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    Because the point at which the boss needed help was at the very end of the extraction, which would be the very beginning of the rescue mission for another character. It would literally be fly in, fly out, rinse, repeat until the whole crew is aboard. A bit repetitive, I would think.
  4. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    Well, the boss didn't need help. They got to the extraction point on their own. I'd expect any other saints lieutenant to do the same, so their missions would be swing in, pick them up, fly away. Pretty boring. Only needed to extract Matt because he's a scrawny little weakling, and Johnny...
  5. C

    SPOILERS My thoughts on SR4 (almost 7 hours playtime thus far)

    I'd agree there, kraidy. That common thread is what makes it feel like a series. SR4 might be miles away from it's origin, but the transition never seemed as jarring to me as some others found it. I guess it's just YMMV in effect. Definitely agree, there. Though I found SR4's ending to be...
  6. C

    SPOILERS My thoughts on SR4 (almost 7 hours playtime thus far)

    See, I'm kinda glad they moved away from the street gang roots in three and four. Not because I didn't like it, but because they already did it. Twice. How many times can we retake Stilwater before it's just old news? Don't get me wrong here. If V released updated versions of one and two, I'd...
  7. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    Call me crazy, but I like to imagine that every character Laura Bailey has voiced is the same person, just magically transported into all of these crazy situations. Come to think of it, that might actually make for some hilarious gameplay. You reading this, V?
  8. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    Oh yeah, Boss is definitely an idiot. Even proud of it at some points.
  9. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    I disagree about killing Jessica. I thought it was brilliant. It perfectly targeted Maero in a deeply personal way, masterfully reflecting the way Carlos was targeted in order to hurt the Boss. Plus, you know, it's not like she didn't call up the Boss to brag about killing Carlos. She was...
  10. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    The Relic's in my collection, trust me. I just loves me some classic cars, and you can't beat a deuce roadster.
  11. C

    DLC that YOU want to see

    The Rumbler from SR1. By extension, any other "missing" vehicles from previous games, but the Rumbler sticks out as my all-time favorite.