DLC that YOU want to see

I doubt many people would fire a nuke that would kill them as well. Perhaps one or twice for laughs. It would be a waste of programmers time.

You never used the Nukamingo 9000 from GotR, huh?
-Gimme back my S. DT crib / Ex crib / Nuke crib. Right now they look... odd.
-I like to try the poo poo spraying thingy.
Stilwater. I don't care how.

Detailed simulation to take out a virtual/ real Dex or actual time travel, I don't care... I want the full Stilwater.
Asha: MI6 Agent, why would she need help?
Shaundi and Pierce: They both had to have some the of experience by now, they shouldn't need that much help.
King: Play SR1
They needed to save Matt because he was a nerd that couldn't have saved himself if he tried. The last time hey heard about Johnny he was getting shot, who knows what condition he would have been.
Heck, when we find Matt, we see he is pretty much screwed, he had no weapons, he was cornered and unlike the others does not have the physical strength to protect himself. Matts strength is hacking, not that he can't hold his own in a fight mind you.
You never used the Nukamingo 9000 from GotR, huh?

Like I said, it's good for a laugh or two, but... At the end of a hard mission, why would I want to use a nuke that kills my char as well? xD I would probably use it more for co-op when having stupid fun with my co-op partner and I just decide to blow us both up. =P But again, how many times do you actually use it? And sorry, Idol, I didn't. I'll check it out soon, though. Started a new playthrough with SR2. ^^
Asha: MI6 Agent, why would she need help?
Shaundi and Pierce: They both had to have some the of experience by now, they shouldn't need that much help.
King: Play SR1

Because Prez and Johnny both needed help.

Like I said, it's good for a laugh or two, but... At the end of a hard mission, why would I want to use a nuke that kills my char as well? xD

For teh lulz?
Well, the boss didn't need help. They got to the extraction point on their own. I'd expect any other saints lieutenant to do the same, so their missions would be swing in, pick them up, fly away. Pretty boring.
Only needed to extract Matt because he's a scrawny little weakling, and Johnny because he was the only one considered a maximum security level threat. Aptly so, as even then he escaped completely on his own, and the entire mission was playing catchup.

Maybe a couple more real-world missions would have been/ would be nice, but I wouldn't say they're absolutely necessary.
Seeing as how SR4 is hands down one of the best superhero simulators I've ever played, I'd love to see more superhero themed stuff. Different types of masks, capes, boots, gloves, spandex, and skin-tight body suits that we can re-color and put emblems and decals on.

Let's Pretend should be all over super hero costumes beyond the two costumes it currently has. We need some Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, etc. style costumes to play around with.