DLC that YOU want to see

They did. They even admitted it.
Boss got to the landing platform with no help. Matt was corned in a room not even close to the landing platform. Everyone else is a fighter, except Matt, he is a hacker and it shows.

Also Gat needed help because he was out of the game for so long, but we clearly see that despite being corned in a room he could still handle himself well, left a line of dead Zin and the Boss was playing catch up with Gat.
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Seeing as how SR4 is hands down one of the best superhero simulators I've ever played, I'd love to see more superhero themed stuff. Different types of masks, capes, boots, gloves, spandex, and skin-tight body suits that we can re-color and put emblems and decals on.

Let's Pretend should be all over super hero costumes beyond the two costumes it currently has. We need some Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, etc. style costumes to play around with.

Wouldn't wanna be original now would we.

Boss got to the landing platform with no help. Matt was corned in a room not even close to the landing platform. Everyone else is a fighter, except Matt, he is a hacker and it shows.

They needed help getting out of there alive, what does it matter if they didn't need help up to a certain point -.-'
Because the point at which the boss needed help was at the very end of the extraction, which would be the very beginning of the rescue mission for another character. It would literally be fly in, fly out, rinse, repeat until the whole crew is aboard. A bit repetitive, I would think.
Because Prez and Johnny both needed help.

Well, yes. The Prez needed help at the end to get off the platform. So did Johnny, and so did everyone else you saved without doing the mission. Get to the platform, and get extracted. Everyone did that (Except matt...). Johnny would have done that, as he had already killed about every alien he saw, but the Prez just wanted to get to Johnny badly.

So if you think about it, they could have made more missions with getting the rest of the crew off, but it would be more fly missions with the space ship. I actually expected more fly missions... So they could have done that. Or at least make them optional.

But the boss wouldn't have to go and pick them all up personally, except those who need actual help. And Kinzie would keep an eye on them, as she did with Matt. She just didn't give a fuck if Matt would die or not. xD
Well, yes. The Prez needed help at the end to get off the platform. So did Johnny, and so did everyone else you saved without doing the mission. Get to the platform, and get extracted. Everyone did that (Except matt...). Johnny would have done that, as he had already killed about every alien he saw, but the Prez just wanted to get to Johnny badly.

So if you think about it, they could have made more missions with getting the rest of the crew off, but it would be more fly missions with the space ship. I actually expected more fly missions... So they could have done that. Or at least make them optional.

But the boss wouldn't have to go and pick them all up personally, except those who need actual help. And Kinzie would keep an eye on them, as she did with Matt. She just didn't give a fuck if Matt would die or not. xD

That's true. Spaceship missions did get kinda' old...
Perhaps that would be cool for a DLC. More spaceship missions, only with slightly better controls. If they wanna go SWTOR with the spaceship, at least make the controls just as good. Or just free flight through the ship. That would be better.
I'd like more productive reasons to leave the simulation and to enter the 'real world' of the game, there could be some really cool stuff hidden on board the Zin's mothership to uncover!