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  1. nodata12

    Saints Row IV CE Details Released

    aww damn
  2. nodata12

    Saints Row IV CE Details Released

    i might just pre-order this at my local gamestore. and buy the commander in chief edition for pc as well. i don't mind. i could buy 3 games for this money. like the CE is 40 bucks more then a regular console game. that ain't much is it? just imagine you're buying 3 games ;) @idoninja oh btw...
  3. nodata12

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    good to hear :)
  4. nodata12

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    perhaps i've missed something. but when's the new GUI version comming out? i saw your tweet about SR IV mod compilation so i was just wondering. has it been abandoned or something?
  5. nodata12

    Merry Christmas!

    merry xmas. 1st day of xmas here.
  6. nodata12

    Any mods for the Complete Edition??

    i mean the full package. i know the normal saints row 3 is available for pc in stores but idk if the full package is available for pc in stores
  7. nodata12

    Any mods for the Complete Edition??

    the so called complete edition he calls it is from a site called skidrowgames. there is no saints row game released with the title complete edition. only the full package. and the complete edition also wasn't released retail. the full package is available via my local game store for the xbox 360...
  8. nodata12

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    it seems many ppl don't read the readme. if you don't know something read the readme. every info is in there. that's why it is there and called a readme.
  9. nodata12

    found something really neat on a gta modding website. a model converted from SR3

    damn. if it was converted that would proof that there are modeling tools for the SR3 format. too bad.
  10. nodata12

    found something really neat on a gta modding website. a model converted from SR3

    look at this. it's just unbelieveable. i am not sure if it's the exactly same tank you get in SR3. but it sure looks like it:
  11. nodata12

    Character Mods?

    idk about that. what i do know is that if you install the super sliders mod in gentlemen of the row it will mess up your character if you customised it and didn't keep the default char. i don't think hairstyles and such matter. only the face gen. another thing is that you can disable every mod...
  12. nodata12

    Post your characters?

    my char based on jason statham. he's totally a badass
  13. nodata12

    Character Mods?

    epic bump. but to answer your question. it's probably the super sliders mod inside gentlemen of the row. which you can find here:
  14. nodata12

    Renaming saved games?

    try searching around the savegame with a hex editor. like HxD. look for the mission name and such that you last played when you saved.
  15. nodata12

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    good to hear :)
  16. nodata12

    Renaming saved games?

    ah didn't know. it could be possible via hex editing or something.
  17. nodata12

    Renaming saved games?

    what's it?
  18. nodata12

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    do you have an ETA for the alpha idolninja? i totally can't wait for it.
  19. nodata12

    Renaming saved games?

    right click on the file and select rename
  20. nodata12

    i was wondering weither the forums will force you into loggin in via steam

    good to hear. i'm glad it's not happening