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  1. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

    Minor gripes with the overall presentation aside, I think what happens next is going to really hinge on the post launch support and fixing of SRR. If the sales are indeed good, then in the coming month or two we'll see how it'll pan out. If they manage to get things more stable and functional, I...
  2. 50percentJoe

    Stun Gun Fun: Reloaded

    So lord willing I've my made my notes right and what seems to be going on in the game means I'll be working with something very similar to Saints Row 3 and 4. This would mean a great deal of customization and tweaking can be done by a data table that controls most of the parameters for the...
  3. 50percentJoe

    Will The New Saints Row Game Support Mods?

    Imma be real, chief, that's galaxy brain stuff to me. I think I get what you're getting at... We had this like who process waaaay back where we unpacked the pack files, then you made your changes, repacked... And then you had to update some additional table and for the life of me I can't...
  4. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

    Imma be real, I think the character writing is fine. I find it literally no worse than SR3 and 4's writing, and the attempts to convey to me that SR1 and 2 were far more serious and dramatic have only left me wondering... Do people try to keep perspective on media they consume? I was 14 years...
  5. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

    I can see a really good game under all the jank, hell, I wouldn't have already dumped 40 hours into it if it weren't a good game in there. Hotfix 2 is apparently on its way and probably coming next week from what a Twitter post just stated. So you know, if the weapons customization is fixed or...
  6. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

    I'd had that thought cross my mind a few times. I'm used to the series being a bit buggy compared to the usual bigger releases because its just always been a bit more of a budget underdog. I hate to jump to any conclusions on why exactly it launched in this state, Volition's history of...
  7. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

    Some of the sections people have been reporting no music in had music for me while playing the PC release, there's also small differences like a friend on xbox has been telling me the traffic density has varied wildly compared to my experience where its been mostly uniform. I don't think they...
  8. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS Was this an acceptable release?

    It's a bit buggier than I expected, and I kind of expected some of these bugs. Like I'm not exaggerating that I expected things like cars clipping into each other, that's a really common bug in a lot of open world games with car spawning. That said, its still buggier than expected and I do find...
  9. 50percentJoe

    Will The New Saints Row Game Support Mods?

    Huh, I remember tinkering with one of my old mods out of the box to see if I could get it working and it mostly functioned, though all the icons appeared wrong. I debated relearning some things so I could port over Stun Gun Fun, but it kind of fell to the side. What's on display in SR22 though...
  10. 50percentJoe

    Will The New Saints Row Game Support Mods?

    Could have sworn we were still getting away with that on 3 and 4, but its been ages since I modded a SR game properly. I gotta say I'm dying to get under the hood of this one and start tinkering with the weapons.
  11. 50percentJoe

    Will The New Saints Row Game Support Mods?

    Is it possible to just leave loose xtbl files in the main directory like old games or are we definitely going to need to repack stuff?
  12. 50percentJoe

    SRR | Share your characters pics

    I definitely like where this character creator is headed, I just hope more pieces and parts are on the way.
  13. 50percentJoe

    SPOILERS I want everyones honest opinion

    I'm having a pretty good time, I think if there's anything I'm disappointed in its maybe just that some features aren't working as intended yet. I'm hoping that when modding tools roll out I can get under the hood on weapons like I used to, as is most of the selection is fine. I think the...
  14. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    Yeh, I said that I didn't realize that one was a replacer instead of a new entry.
  15. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    Right now its down to 1 of 2 mods I uninstalled before testing again. I'm 90% sure it was the Bullet Club t-shirt, I didn't realize that one was a replacer instead of just a new shirt all together. I'll probably try and poke...
  16. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    Well I unsubscribed from all of my workshop mods, verified, and now it works. So oh boy, now to resubscribe one at a time and figure out where it will crash. EDIT: So it seems one of the workshop mods I was using was interfering with the mod that does all the clothing fixes. I was a bit baffled...
  17. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    Yeah, I've tried just installing as is, but if I select any of the clothing items in question, I get a hard crash as soon as I mouse over them.
  18. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    Nope, just trying to get this clothes fixes work. I have a few workshop things downloaded, do I need to merge those somehow?
  19. 50percentJoe

    Trying to get an older mod functional

    So its been... a long time since I bothered getting much running on here and only recently got around to poking around again recently. I wanted to see about installing one of the clothing fix mods for SR4, specifically the little compilation ones that IdolNinja put together...
  20. 50percentJoe

    Revisiting the original Saints Row

    So I recently got a 360 again, and I figured since I finally had the opportunity for the first time in what seems like 10 years to replay and revisit the original world of Stilwater that I should pick up the first Saints Row. I wanted to really get down and see where the series started all over...