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  1. [GoSP] Jon

    SRTT (Or SRIV)Is map editing possible? Or ill it ever be?

    Would it be possible to change Navpoint type stuff in a way that wouldn't require such a massive change to the tools? Like placing parking spaces for instance?
  2. [GoSP] Jon

    Alternate Eyes

    You may be able to do it via the facial "Features". If I remember correctly some of them can modify the eyes in an asymmetric way.
  3. [GoSP] Jon

    Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV

    First the mesh news and now this. Oh man, my week has been made.
  4. [GoSP] Jon

    Can people playing co-op with you see your mods?

    I can second this. I was using custom skin colors and the co-op partner playing vanilla saw it fine.
  5. [GoSP] Jon

    Saints of Rage

    That visual effect can actually be achieved with shaders, though the gameplay actually being feasibly reproducable would require a lot more work. If someone looked in the mission lua file for it, we could see how it gets triggered. It might (optimistic) just be a simple lua function that gets...
  6. [GoSP] Jon

    Both co-op players interchanging lines?

    SrIV actually already does this with the in-game dialogue when in co-op. It does not in the custscenes but I suppose someone could try changing the #PLAYER# entry in the custscene tables to #REMOTEPLAYER# or whatever it's called and see if it works.
  7. [GoSP] Jon

    Homie - Air Support (W.I.P) Need Help

    The flags won't help you here, Sorry :/
  8. [GoSP] Jon

    Homie - Air Support (W.I.P) Need Help

    Unfortunately, there's no AI for homies in helicopters. So even if you got them to stay up in the air, they would just hover there.
  9. [GoSP] Jon

    Stillwater DLC not going to happen (confirmed)

    That's the beautiful thing about mod/indie development. No silly QA and bureaucracy slowing things down ;). If the formats were in any way compatible between the two games (sr2 and sr4) I'd wager it would be about a year turnaround.
  10. [GoSP] Jon

    SRIV Implementation of various animated texture effects

    All the bink videos are actually just in the "videos" folder off of the root. I warn people to tread lightly there, many of those videos are spoilers! EDIT: all the ones I've seen, anyway NOTE TO MODDERS: None of them have sound except for the startup videos. The sound for them is probably...
  11. [GoSP] Jon

    Broadened Wheel Size Limits

    This mod uses the same files as my handling mod, mind if I use it as a base?
  12. [GoSP] Jon

    SRIV Implementation of various animated texture effects

    Those animated sequences on computer monitors are bink videos.
  13. [GoSP] Jon

    Was Fuzz ever slated as an activity for SRIV?

    One of the devs had said it was a "technical nightmare" to get working. They likely deemed it not worth the time.
  14. [GoSP] Jon

    SR2 Changing the Draw Distance

    Thank you!
  15. [GoSP] Jon

    Past Gangs Spawning Mod

    There's already a version that does that.
  16. [GoSP] Jon

    SPOILERS *Spoilers* Mission 2 Turret Heli

    I'll be honest, I might not even do this one. I mean, have you played the game? Some of the stuff you get makes this boring by comparison. Like, really boring.
  17. [GoSP] Jon

    Car Physics for Sr4

    The pacemaker is the same vehicle iirc so try putting the SRTT mod in your SRIV root and it should work.
  18. [GoSP] Jon

    SRIV Apocalypticish Armor was it removed?

    Those likely have code associated with them, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  19. [GoSP] Jon

    SRIV Morphing

    Sandbox+ was able to apply preset outfits with keycombos. If you could create the NPC face and body as clothing items that obscured the player, it would be possible in theory.
  20. [GoSP] Jon

    SRIV How the Dubstep Gun Handles Music?

    It doesn't. The markers are hand-placed by the developers.