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  1. Merronkur

    Is it still possible to get the "Child's Play" DLC for PC?

    So would purchasing the Game of the Century Upgrade through Steam get it? There's a lot of the DLC I don't have.
  2. Merronkur

    Is it still possible to get the "Child's Play" DLC for PC?

    You remember this one, right? A long time ago I realized I really wanted to play as mecha-godzilla, and would've happily purchased these DLC outfits because not only do you get this badassery, but you support charity! However on the Steam store, they've taken it away! I've read on the SR wiki...
  3. Merronkur

    Changing the color of the street lights?

    I notice that after you take over the city, the lights change color from a bright yellow to a blue. Personally, I preferred them when they were the former, it just made the city look more alive, y'know? I think I came close once when I found the weather.xtbl, there were a few things about the...
  4. Merronkur

    No Power-Disabling Grenade

    A GOOH version of the mod that disables the grenade that disables your powers. This mod makes it so that the AI never get the notion to throw the grenade in the first place. Place "ai_goals.xtbl" in: "(Drive):\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell" Enjoy!
  5. Merronkur

    UPDATED 1/31/15: $1 Weapon Upgrades, $1 Player Upgrades, and 1 point Super Power upgrades

    What about $1 character upgrades, like the health, stamina, instant reloads, etc?
  6. Merronkur

    Pre-Order DLC?

    Will the Plague of Frogs pack only ever be available for those who pre-ordered Re-elected? That kinda sucks... I was really interested in that demon armor...
  7. Merronkur

    Dirty-Fix for Modern Soldier's Missing Fingers

    I say "dirty-fix" because this isn't really fixing it, but more so just glazing over the problem. If you use the Modern Soldier suit like myself, you know that it has missing fingers on the right hand glove. This is because the suit hides the right hand (somehow), thus not letting your normal...
  8. Merronkur

    Very unclear: when is EtD being released for PC?

    It's said October 23rd for a while now. Like about 3 days ago at the bottom of the main menu it said "The first story add-on, "Enter the Dominatrix", will be released on October 23rd!"
  9. Merronkur

    SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

    Marauders. Those stupid things came popping in near the last level where I was trying to climb stairs, and they'd knock me off the stairs when they'd fade in from nowhere.
  10. Merronkur

    Non-freezing weapon selection screen?

    Well, there's also an option in either your controls or gameplay options where you can disable that menu freezing the game (in singleplayer, because you have no choice in multiplayer). If that's all you're looking for, try that.
  11. Merronkur

    Changing the color of the street lights back?

    I noticed that after you take over parts of the city (flashpoints, activities, etc), the lights around it turn from yellow to blue. Before: After: The thing is though, I kinda liked it better when the street lights were yellow. It made the city look more real and active. Since blue is...
  12. Merronkur

    SRIV Clothes Fixes

    Would there be a way to fix this? How the sleeves don't seem to be fixed to the build of the character?
  13. Merronkur

    Grass roots pack help

    I think this is just a bug with some unique vehicles. Like the Salem, I have to look in my "vehicle delivery" mechanism in the HUB to get it.
  14. Merronkur

    SRIV Clothes Fixes

    Not sure if anyone has acknowledged this yet, but the green edges that linger around the glow effects on the "decker" outfit are a bit annoying. I was also wondering if you could make it so changing the color of the shirt on the "presidential suit" clothing piece doesn't change the color of the...