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  1. quetzal

    THQ's Smoked!

    Better Koch than EA, but still not the perfect bidder for a takeover.
  2. quetzal

    THQ's Smoked!

    EA and Ubisoft will certainly ruin the series and studio. And I'm fairly sure they won't let potential cash cows like SR, Metro and Warhammer get away. *cue sad music*
  3. quetzal

    SR3 Save Editor C

    I'm looking forward to it. Also very curious who will buy the SR and Metro brand from THQ... Let's hope not EA or Ubi.
  4. quetzal

    SR3 Save Editor C

    But that's the point of NG+ for me. Skipping the first few missions should be enough. As soon as you land in steelport you can use all upgrades without bugs. I've tried it myself when I started a new game: Cheat full respect and 8,000,000 cash and unlock everything. No problem. Otherwise I...
  5. quetzal

    SR3 Save Editor C

    Hello Corrodias, thank you for the save editor. I just signed up to ask you if you can remove the intro mission from NG+ please. I hate it and there is a game breaking bug: It's impossible for me to shoot through the windshield in that sky diving mission before you land in Steelport. Thanks...