THQ's Smoked!

How on earth did they get in this mess to begin with? Where did all the money go?

They lost millions on the U Draw hardware. Originally, U Draw was a smash hit on the Wii, but then flopped miserably on the other consoles where they now have warehouses filled with it.

EA and Ubisoft will certainly ruin the series and studio. And I'm fairly sure they won't let potential cash cows like SR, Metro and Warhammer get away.

*cue sad music*
There are some shareholders over at saying they believe THQ deliberately ran the business in to the ground so they could take it private.

I think it's just rubbish management and losing a boat load of money on Udraw. But, I wouldn't be surprised.
Casual Friday roundtable discusses some potential good homes for THQ's franchises:

THQ auction started an hour ago at 3pm EST. Hopefully we'll know more soon.
Already a complication in the auction. Looks like there is going to be a legal battle over the rights to use South Park's trademark and The Stick of Truth game.

Not heard anything yet about who bid on what, though.