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  1. Sance231

    Re: Flippy's video

    Honestly it's been over for so long at this point that all I have for this latest drama is popcorn. Volition no longer exists, Deep Silver sucks, both SR discords suck and they are full of bad people etc. so it wouldn't move me whatsoever if this site ended up getting on the list too. SR died as...
  2. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Well there was no new information there but for some reason I'm still rooting for that SR2 patch, the idea that it might never see the light of day just feels wrong. Dreading the contents of his NDA video though. Anyway there's a new(ish) Hexagon video too and it's funny as shit (well it's two...
  3. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    So this video came out where a former Volition employee spills the beans on the game's development: Everyone can draw their own conclusions but it really seems like SR 2022's development is what actually killed the studio thanks to it being a mismanaged mess with bad direction, a lot of wasted...
  4. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    There is no patch or rather the patch was the friends we made along the way... and the bans we collected from Rihanna. :)
  5. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Deep Silver is Plaion, Embracer will just drop the Deep Silver label because it became infamous I guess. Or maybe they just realized that they have too many publishing labels and that Deep Silver is the mouthbreathiest of them all.
  6. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Wanted to react to this sooner but didn't have the time. I get that there is a divide between SR 1-2 and 3-4 fans when it comes to the tone of the games but was there really a problem with those special enemies? I think they spiced up the combat a bit and made SR more unique too. There are some...
  7. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    This comment made me wonder how something like a Silent Hill UFO ending would look like in the context of an SR game with narrative choices. :D
  8. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Is it balance or dissonance though? There is a certain charm to creating a character that "doesn't look the part" so to speak but a lot of times I feel that most people's SR2 bosses tend to chase the same archetype in looks simply because you get the urge to make something that fits the story...
  9. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Writing a game in the way SR2 handles its characters is fine for sure but the thing is that literally every single one of these games is doing the same thing so doing the opposite would be an obvious way to stand out. Aesthetic customization is a good idea on paper but honestly a lot of people...
  10. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Speaking of that: the whole reboot thing really does beg the question of just why didn't they innovate on the age old "GTA mission structure" to capitalize on what people like doing nowadays. GTA RP is freaking huge exactly because role playing in a giant sandbox like that can be really...
  11. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    You guys talking about Anita Sarkeesian reminded me just how out of date this whole IP is. Fuck.
  12. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Deep Silver's MO so far has pretty much been "we do unwise stuff" though. I absolutely expect the "patch" to drop one day in the form of a lazily put together SR2 remaster. It's gonna have all the DLCs but will also contain weird bugs, the Epic Online Service client and it's going to feature a...
  13. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    I'm not sure if that's ever going to be a thing. SR 2022 was such a huge disaster that there is a good chance that it affected the genre itself and other publishers will just go "this is Rockstar's turf, everyone else failed, let's just not touch it" after this for at least a good while. That...
  14. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    And there's also the age old golden rule that says "everyone is a dude on the internet". Anyway yeah let's avoid a witch hunt, a beef or whatever, when it comes to me I only brought up said person because I think that his behavior illustrates how Deep Silver / Volition handled community...
  15. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Lol thanks to this post I just discovered that there was actual beef between nuSR fans and Running With Scissors. I mean it didn't surprise me because RWS threw a lot of shade at SR 2022 but I think it was in the name of good fun and it's literally no different than how SR2 marketing "went...
  16. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    This is only half true though. Embracer spent money that it didn't have because they were expecting a giant deal to work out. It didn't work out, they lost like half their worth in a day so they have to restructure now. That's definitely a reason why Volition was shut down now but only half the...
  17. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    This is the part where I usually start scratching my head. Why dehumanize people like this? And if you don't understand the reception then I think you should look at your opinion of those people a bit more critically. I'm not a toxic dude, I don't partake in the "culture war", I'm just an SR...
  18. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    That is a fascinating thing to see but to me the real disappointment there is just how many of the fanbase turned into corporate shills trying to defend whatever Deep Silver was trying to say. Like people calling others fake fans and looking down on legitimate criticism as a way to "promote" the...
  19. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    While it's in a different genre (mostly an immersive sim rather than a sandbox game) I think that Postal 2 and 4 capture the original SR's attitude and edginess quite well. Both are janky games and Postal 4 is still very much unfinished with quite a few updates ahead of it but they have a lot of...
  20. Sance231

    Goodbye Volition

    Well at least the robots are at work by posting the exact same post over and over again: I wonder if Embracer will just bite the bullet and entirely rebrand Deep Silver to PLAION to wash off some of the DS stink.