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  1. C

    SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

    It depends on whether the actual gameplay is fun. Repeating an enjoyable activity isn't a chore, and doing it to chase some arbitrary achievement can actually make it more fun (for depressing rats-and-pellets psychological reasons). SR4's basic gameplay is a metric fuckton of fun, but you...
  2. C

    SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

    I have to agree with Tonicmole and Shitface that EtD was hurried and underwhelming. I laughed a lot, but it was almost all at the cutscenes, which is really weird. I originally bought SR:TT when Steam had a free weekend for it and playing the game made me laugh until I cried. Running down...
  3. C

    Saints Row IV Enter the Dominatrix - 22 Oct 2013

    So the DLC unloads a gaggle of new and "new" homies on you. Do any of them have banter with any others? I know that gets prohibitively difficult after you get enough choices, but I was hoping that you could at least have Matt Miller talk to his idol. Possible homie spoilers: I tested Pierce...
  4. C

    Random Encounters Mod [with STAG,SWAT,old gangs and more]

    I registered specifically so I could say how much I've enjoyed this mod. It makes it a hell of a lot more fun to load up my Battle Golf Cart with homies and ride around the city when I know that murderous toilets could attack at any time. Minor note: Super homies don't seem to be depowered...