SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

The worst of SR:IV's missions all in one bundle! Missed the boring starship missions, on rails missions, poor textures and "kill waves of enemies"? All it's missing is Escort side missions required for 100%
The values of elements of a game depend on the individual players. Taste has a lot to do with this. Maximizing "hours" is not the way to entice all kinds of players. Nothing is, of course.
Very true, however it is step one to great DLC. Baby steps. Really, they need to look back at GTA. It's where Saints Row came from in the first place. Volition has mastered the sandbox game, but now they need to look back at GTA to find out why Saints Row sales 6 million copies and GTA sales 20+ million. Both games are icons, both are hyped through the roof, both get news coverage, both are hated by weirdo's, both have mod support. However GTA 4 just kept getting content dumped on it's already giant platter. Gamers never stopped talking about it until GTA 5 rolled out. You gotta stoke that fire if you wanna inferno!
Well, it also had name recognition from over 5 previous entries in the series before SR2 arrived. You can make a better Call of Duty, but why would anyone play it when they can play Call of Duty?

But i thought that GTA4's expansions were missions, a little more substantial than high score replay stuff. Or were they really designed just to waste as much of your time as possible? That might sound unfair; that's just what those "replay value" things sound like to me, the logical conclusion of putting quantity over quality.
Well, it also had name recognition from over 5 previous entries in the series before SR2 arrived. You can make a better Call of Duty, but why would anyone play it when they can play Call of Duty?

But i thought that GTA4's expansions were missions, a little more substantial than high score replay stuff. Or were they really designed just to waste as much of your time as possible? That might sound unfair; that's just what those "replay value" things sound like to me, the logical conclusion of putting quantity over quality.

GTA 4 DLC are basically stand alone games. That would be ideal, but that might be a bit too much to ask at this point.
GTA IV had an operating budget of 100 million dollars.

GTA V had a budget of over 250 million dollars.




If Volition was given a hundred million dollars, I'm pretty sure Saints Row would, in fact, have been a much different and larger game.
But i thought that GTA4's expansions were missions, a little more substantial than high score replay stuff. Or were they really designed just to waste as much of your time as possible? That might sound unfair; that's just what those "replay value" things sound like to me, the logical conclusion of putting quantity over quality.

It depends on whether the actual gameplay is fun. Repeating an enjoyable activity isn't a chore, and doing it to chase some arbitrary achievement can actually make it more fun (for depressing rats-and-pellets psychological reasons). SR4's basic gameplay is a metric fuckton of fun, but you pretty quickly hit the point where you've exhausted the variety and everything feels repetitive and easy. If they gave us DLC that meaningfully increased the variety in activities or freeform gameplay, I'd get much more out of it than I would another storyline that I play through once.
GTA IV had an operating budget of 100 million dollars.

GTA V had a budget of over 250 million dollars.




If Volition was given a hundred million dollars, I'm pretty sure Saints Row would, in fact, have been a much different and larger game.

In due time, my young Padawan.

Rockstar also started as a quite small company.
In due time, my young Padawan.

Rockstar also started as a quite small company.

Unfortunately, Rockstar is ahead of the curve because they opened up a market when none/few were present there.
Volition now, on the other hand, has to share the market with a name that has 100's of millions in budget for their game and a crapton of brand recognition.

I have good faith in Volition, but they have one hell of a tougher battle to fight than Rockstar did to get to the budgets Rockstar's already at due to being half a decade behind.
This is not some 'SR = GTA clone' comment, but the two share a very similar, if not the same, market in gaming and that makes things tougher on Volition.
Now, just to set things straight I do believe that Saints Row beats GTA on almost all other levels. Mechanics wise GTA is a mess. It controls like a PS one tomb raider game, the PC port of GTA 4 looks like ass, the menus are impossible to navigate, and it's engine is all together wonky. GTA is bad at everything it does, but it does a lot of it. I think that now Volition has nailed how a sandbox game controls they could sale 20 million copies by merely shoving more content into the same old SR 3 and 4 engine. What I'm saying is that they are on the verge of surpassing GTA. It's close. The only thing that they could probably never match is GTA's depressing gritty story telling, which I really don't think anyone really likes anyways. Life sucks, we don't need to relive it virtually.

I think story wise Volition needs to watch a lot of Wes Anderson movies. He has a talent of telling the most insane story and making you laugh and cry at the same time.
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