SPOILERS Enter the Dominatrix: The Review

I thought it was pretty funny with the dildo horns, BDSM tanks, star wars reference, and raptors

But then again, I'll laugh at most everything
I felt it was just a little too in-jokey. The 'no fourth wall at all' joke was humorous at first but lost me fast. The biggest issue I had with it was the near total lack of an attempt to make sense of itself. A wink at the camera is fine and dandy but there's a point where you're basically giving a big fat middle finger to anyone who is trying to enjoy the game on its own terms. The 'storyboard' cutscenes honestly felt less like a joke about 'behind the scenes' special features on movie discs and the like and more like a lame copout to putting together an actual story for the DLC.

People comparing it to SR3 I feel is a bit unfair to SR3, as a person who started on the series there and quite enjoyed it. SR3 at least had internal consistency, and, while it clearly was not taking itself seriously, tended at least to treat what was happening as if it was actually happening and not like just a ton of random shit thrown into the game for randomness' sake. Even before SRIV added superpowers to the mix I compared SR3 to feeling more like a superhero sandbox than a crime sandbox in its presentation, and honestly the Trouble With Clones DLC kind of highlighted that in a way that I personally enjoyed (though I know others not so much so).

EtD was very silly and it was somewhat fun in a gameplay sense, but being marketed as it was as an 'alternate storyline' I was honestly expecting something... more like a story, and not a series of loosely connected missions that really didn't feel like a cohesive storyline. The Dominatrix honestly wasn't that menacing as a character, and had almost no actual buildup as a villain.

There were two particular moments that are perfect examples of the 'fuck you' mentality of wanting to see more story in the DLC: the point where Pierce goes 'BOOORING' and starts 'fast forwarding' through Kinzie's dialogue, and the cutscene where the characters are bitching about 'filler missions' which weirdly enough made me wish I was actually =playing= said filler missions to be able to get some goddamn context for what was going on.

I don't exactly -regret- purchasing EtD but I wish it felt more like a mission ARC than just 'here's some missions, in a pack, that's all you really wanted right? we'll just go cash this check now'.

Here's hoping The Saints Save Xmas gives us something that feels a bit more like content.
I guess we should all be happy that the new EtD didn't become Saints Row 5.....derp derp.
Shitface's Review: (Warning, spoile\rs)

An experience that ends quickly and leaves you feeling a little bit sick afterwards.

That's what she said! High five!!!!
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I have to agree with Tonicmole and Shitface that EtD was hurried and underwhelming. I laughed a lot, but it was almost all at the cutscenes, which is really weird. I originally bought SR:TT when Steam had a free weekend for it and playing the game made me laugh until I cried. Running down pedestrians, throwing myself in front of cars, driving a tiger around for no logical reason whatsoever: hilarious. Actually playing EtD was less funny than free-world roaming in SR4, and that's already seriously fun-impaired due to the wonky Warden mechanics. There were only three things that really felt like newish gameplay components:

  1. Rounding up the furries (basically just Genki's MOM without Zack and Bobby)
  2. The pony race (basically the rescue Zimos sequence from SR 3, with Zack and Bobby)
  3. The velociraptor ride
And that last one? Like LeMecha says, a slow ride, and also it was on rails and there was no real interactivity. You didn't need to jump or dodge or move around. You didn't even need to shoot anybody. How? How is it possible that they let you ride a dinosaur in a Saints Row game and you don't even get to make it into a dinosaur driveby? I believe this may be the single most disappointing use of dinosaurs in video game history.

I will say that it has a little replayability, though. I still need to taunt a crapload of Zin, so that first mission might be the best option I have.

I'm noticing that the new homies don't have conversations with the old ones. I have not tested this much, but I really wanted Matt Miller and NyteBlade to have a conversation.

You are not alone.

In general it wouldn't pay for them to create new dialogue every time they add homies in a DLC, since they'd have to pay Keith David to come back. I mean, I know he was on The Cape, but that doesn't mean he'll work for free. But the guy who was voicing Matt Miller was already there! He wasn't even in the damned game segments, but they had him hanging around the interviews, so clearly he's at least cheap. I don't think the new homies even talk to each other, for crying out loud.
I think the most important thing to note is that it's not so much a DLC to add anything to the game (though there are a few perks) it's more of a what-could-have-been, showing how the initial idea for a silly Saints Row 3 DLC evolved into Saints Row 4 and what bits were cut out to make it work or because they just didn't work
there's a lot of interesting insights and funny jokes. the missions are fun but nothing special. the story is very silly, some of the jokes fall flat but others are very amusing. ultimately I'd say it's worth it but it's certainly not something that will appeal to everyone

personally I'm hoping future DLCs will include missions to rescue some of the missing characters like Viola, new areas inside the simulation (other cities for example or alternative versions of Steelport such as an expanded 50s version or a re-Sainted version)... but so long as they look fun and are more than just weapon/costume packs I'll probably give them a go
Part of me wonders how much of the in-between mission dialogues are real. I assume things like the "15 minute QTE montage" are not.. but is it actually akin to what they WERE planning with a QTE set once you've done missions to get the parts? Because as much as they were mocking how SR3/4 ended up (SR4 has a lot of QTEs) they still did it.

At least they can be self-depreciating about their own failures in design. I hate QTEs. I hate them all. They are single-handedly the reason I've never passed Force Unleashed, because every enemy above a mook is a qte.. and it's the SAME ONE. That makes it busy-work. At least in SR4 it's only the wardens. And Zinyak. And a few things during the missions (but those are usually 'hold this button' which is ok because it's easy for the user, but you have to be undistracted meaning multiple solutions of either killing everyone, or actually sneaking in and getting just enough of a window to pull it off)

Ah well. And homies not talking to the previous ones I can accept, it's a lot of work to set in for something only DLC users get (as everyone gets all the homies changed for it) but it would have been a nice touch, even if it delayed a bit for a bit more writing/voicework/editing/coding/cleanup/testing. Or at the least, have them talk to each other.
Part of me wonders how much of the in-between mission dialogues are real. I assume things like the "15 minute QTE montage" are not.. but is it actually akin to what they WERE planning with a QTE set once you've done missions to get the parts? Because as much as they were mocking how SR3/4 ended up (SR4 has a lot of QTEs) they still did it.

I think the ETD concept was scrapped early which would've left behind something that made no sense(Not saying the cutscenes they put in weren't) and replaced it with something that had a bit more concept.
I think it's an interesting idea (particularly being able to see cut content from a game in a more interactive/playable form), but my general impression from these comments is it ultimately ends up feeling rather underwhelming; much like the past DLC that's been released since Saints Row 2. When EtD was initially announced as a SRTT expansion, I thought Volition had the right idea finally of moving away from these short mission packs and releasing DLC with a substantial amount of content. While I'm glad that project ultimately got retooled and fleshed out into a full sequel, I kind of wish they realized the small DLC's just haven't been working in the past, and to move on to creating a new proper expansion for SRIV.

I admit there's more factors to this. It's easy to sit here and say I want a DLC that gives at least 5-10 more hours worth of missions, but it's obviously a challenge and big time commitment to create that much content and have it work (both in terms of keeping gameplay fresh and having the writing stay funny). And with next gen almost upon us, it's tough to say how much time devs have to keep focusing on extensive DLC projects for current gen games when it's time to start work on next gen games. All in all, I hope we get something more satisfying out of the Saints Save Xmas, but at this point, I guess I'm questioning how much we can get out of what seems like yet another quick mission pack.
I think it's an interesting idea (particularly being able to see cut content from a game in a more interactive/playable form), but my general impression from these comments is it ultimately ends up feeling rather underwhelming; much like the past DLC that's been released since Saints Row 2. When EtD was initially announced as a SRTT expansion, I thought Volition had the right idea finally of moving away from these short mission packs and releasing DLC with a substantial amount of content. While I'm glad that project ultimately got retooled and fleshed out into a full sequel, I kind of wish they realized the small DLC's just haven't been working in the past, and to move on to creating a new proper expansion for SRIV.

I admit there's more factors to this. It's easy to sit here and say I want a DLC that gives at least 5-10 more hours worth of missions, but it's obviously a challenge and big time commitment to create that much content and have it work (both in terms of keeping gameplay fresh and having the writing stay funny). And with next gen almost upon us, it's tough to say how much time devs have to keep focusing on extensive DLC projects for current gen games when it's time to start work on next gen games. All in all, I hope we get something more satisfying out of the Saints Save Xmas, but at this point, I guess I'm questioning how much we can get out of what seems like yet another quick mission pack.
That's the funny thing. DLC story missions take a lot of time and effort, yet all we want are new activities which use replay ability rather then straight up linear play. Volition needs to remember how to MILK IT! High scores, mission replay, unlockables. All of these things take less time yet add the most amount of play hours to the game. An example would be the hidden islands of SR 2. People spent hours and hours looking for them. They didn't take Volition all that long to place in game, but provided hours of enjoyment. SR 3 and SR 4 trimmed things like this off of the game replacing it with straight up story missions and elaborate set pieces. They spend more time and money on these set pieces yet produce far fewer play hours.