SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

personally i didnt liked the last mission at all.
it was a little too much of everything. like an B action movie throwing tons of bright lasers, jumping, deactivated skills, dying comrades, and fancy explosions all at once on the screen hoping to catch attention but falling short creating suspension.
the ending was somewhat weak (although not unexpected) and the open world afterwards lacks much of a sense. (will still use sr3 for the open world fun it seems - sr2 would be even better, but the engine is stone age now.. at least on pc)

I didnt got Ziniaks motivation to destroy the world either. I mean Earth was anyway no threat to them and could have provided valuable ressources. It just didnt made much sense and even in a crazy game like SR the suspension of disbelief gets me only to a certain point.

btw in one of the last cutscenes i actually wished for my SR2 boss. shortly before the last mission starts, the boss is holding a motivational speech. its like "i know you heard this speech before" and king interrupts my femboss stating
"i wrote that speech, bitch".
well now.. ok.. wheres my kickass renegade feelgood-interrupt here. in sr2 he wouldnt have survived such disrespect. fucking chief of staff or not ^^ he was anyway Julius friend without strong bonds to the other saints , and we know what became of Julius. :p

can share the same grave
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The thing is they do the same thing with King as they do with Gat. "He's a badass! WORSHIP HIM!"
I can tolerate it with Gat, it annoys me a bit with King. But if I can get by my Boss fawning over Burt Reynolds (whom I'm indifferent to) I can deal with it.
I was actually hoping SRIV ends with a multi colour explosion with Keith complaining about it as a parody for ME3.
I was kinda sad Keith didn't say if a kid comes out of the ground after Zinyak is dealt with, he's pout of here. Like there was so many jabs at the whole ME series during that epic Grand Finale.
Well I doubt they'll do anything with the story as the story DLCs I know about are Enter the Dominatrix and How The Saints Saved Christmas. So I don't think they're doing anything with the story, it's just going to be simulated what ifs)

SR4 didn't feel like the natural evolution of the Saints, but hey its where volition went with it. I mean when I first heard of it I didn't think of a simulation, I just thought of Jimmy giving the saints a permanent "Irradiated Saints Flow" that gave them super powers and they fought the aliens off ON earth. Going into a simulation however, was fun, and I liked some of the matrix style "worlds" we went into and doing "Training missions" with Asha and "NyteBlade" fan fiction with Matt were the best parts of it.

I personally would like to see more DLC with these type things, these what ifs, these unique worlds and maybe more NyteBlade fan fiction.

But really if SRTT had only 2 Story DLC, then I'm thinking SR4 will only have 2. ETD and HTSSC.
Well I doubt they'll do anything with the story as the story DLCs I know about are Enter the Dominatrix and How The Saints Saved Christmas. So I don't think they're doing anything with the story, it's just going to be simulated what ifs)

SR4 didn't feel like the natural evolution of the Saints, but hey its where volition went with it. I mean when I first heard of it I didn't think of a simulation, I just thought of Jimmy giving the saints a permanent "Irradiated Saints Flow" that gave them super powers and they fought the aliens off ON earth. Going into a simulation however, was fun, and I liked some of the matrix style "worlds" we went into and doing "Training missions" with Asha and "NyteBlade" fan fiction with Matt were the best parts of it.

I personally would like to see more DLC with these type things, these what ifs, these unique worlds and maybe more NyteBlade fan fiction.

But really if SRTT had only 2 Story DLC, then I'm thinking SR4 will only have 2. ETD and HTSSC.

I didn't know the second story DLC was also named already? Does sound like fun (and I can hazard a guess at the release date).
But regarding your statement on there probably being only 2 story DLC's: remember that SRTT came out under THQ rule, so perhaps with Deep Silver they milk things out for a little longer and add some more story DLC.