SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

*cough* Zimos *cought*

I hope they leave Angel there though. Never liked that guy, he had the personality of a tin can and had "fraud" written all over him. Between him and Killbane, I think Killbane actually seemed like the good guy.

Zimos....jut put a vibrator to Josh's throat and you have your Zimos back.
No there wasn't. And that's why I don't like Zinyak. He had a good voice and good dialogue, but blowing up Earth for no reason just made him an ineffectual troll villain to me.
And no it wasn't to break thw Boss' spirit. Zinyak himself calls the Boss a sociopath. A sociopath isn't going to care about the lives lost, only that you wrecked their stuff. So Zinyak did something that could only ever piss the Boss off.

Of course Zinyak and logic don't seem to get along at all. Take Johnny Gat. He's more of a threat than the Boss how? Memetic badass or no, he's also a follower and has needed his butt saving more than once.
Yeah yeah I know it's comedy. Well to me, comedy is pointless without at least one straight man, and in SR4 everybody's a clown.
His complete discard for the living made me love Zinyak more. Not every villain needs to be complex or have some grando motivation. Those villains are fantastic, but it's rare to see a villain like Zinyak that is done well and for that I loved.

Zinyak is up there with Maero as the best villains in the series for me personally.
Zimos....jut put a vibrator to Josh's throat and you have your Zimos back.

Well you'd also have to dress him like a 70's sofa, give him a face that even Gandhi would want to punch and make him act like a complete douchebag (yeah Josh can do that last one).
His complete discard for the living made me love Zinyak more. Not every villain needs to be complex or have some grando motivation. Those villains are fantastic, but it's rare to see a villain like Zinyak that is done well and for that I loved.

Zinyak is up there with Maero as the best villains in the series for me personally.

This has nothing to do with complexity or grand motivations.
Take the dudes who blew up Earth in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They wanted to bulldoze the Earth to make way for a highway. That's a bad reason with a total disregard for life, but it's a REASON.
Zinyak has no reason to destroy his own property, and being a troll is not a valid reason. It just doesn't work, sorry.
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This has nothing to do with complexity or grand motivations.
Take the dudes who blew up Earth in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They wanted to bulldoze the Earth to make way for a highway. That's a bad reason with a total disregard for life, but it's a REASON.
Zinyak has no reason to destroy **his own property**, and being a troll is not a valid reason. It just doesn't work, sorry.
Again, why not destroy Earth? He has no need for it anymore. It's useless. He got what he wanted and with his time machine, he can visit Earth anytime he wanted. Why should Zinyak keep Earth around when he can just blow it up and be done with it? Sure it's just him being a dick but that's part of his character.

Now I do agree with you it could have been handled better(like maybe explain why the Zinyak did do that and show it did have a place in the grand scheme of things instead of him just blowing it up because he had no use for it anymore). I felt everything after the death of Cyrus to the destruction of Earth felt very rushed and felt like Vol just wanted to get to the meat of the game.

As for the Gat thing, it was a retcon, it's however a retcon I don't care about because what they did with Gat in SRTT was complete and utter bullshit and was very sloppy. You wanna kill off Gat, ok, but do it well, not so half assed and lackluster.

/Gat fanboy
This has nothing to do with complexity or grand motivations.
Take the dudes who blew up Earth in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They wanted to bulldoze the Earth to make way for a highway. That's a bad reason with a total disregard for life, but it's a REASON.
Zinyak has no reason to destroy his own property, and being a troll is not a valid reason. It just doesn't work, sorry.

I think Zinyak's response pretty much stated his reason was: Because I can.
And I respect him for that, no motivation other than: I want to and I can do it.

It's generally my response to when people ask me why I do something, you can dress it up all you like, in the end it's because you want to do it and you can do it, so I just cut the crap and just dig right to the nutty core, although a few days ago you couldn't cut my crap... I neglected my fibers....
Again, why not destroy Earth? He has no need for it anymore. It's useless. He got what he wanted and with his time machine, he can visit Earth anytime he wanted. Why should Zinyak keep Earth around when he can just blow it up and be done with it? Sure it's just him being a dick but that's part of his character.

He keeps saying he runs an empire, what kind of empire blows up perfectly good planets? At least if he said he wanted to stripmine resources from asteroids that'd be something.
Also it doesn't go together with his apparent love of Earth literature. Sure he has a time machine, but blowing Earth up eliminates the potential for future great works.. which he'd have full access to because he has a time machine.

Now I do agree with you it could have been handled better(like maybe explain why the Zinyak did do that and show it did have a place in the grand scheme of things instead of him just blowing it up because he had no use for it anymore). I felt everything after the death of Cyrus to the destruction of Earth felt very rushed and felt like Vol just wanted to get to the meat of the game.

Honestly the whole story such as it is feels rushed.

As for the Gat thing, it was a retcon, it's however a retcon I don't care about because what they did with Gat in SRTT was complete and utter bullshit and was very sloppy. You wanna kill off Gat, ok, but do it well, not so half assed and lackluster.

/Gat fanboy

They could've just said that they took him for experiments or something. Saying the guy who's life was saved by the Boss multiple times is more of a threat than the Boss just confuses me.
I think Zinyak's response pretty much stated his reason was: Because I can.
And I respect him for that, no motivation other than: I want to and I can do it.

It's generally my response to when people ask me why I do something, you can dress it up all you like, in the end it's because you want to do it and you can do it, so I just cut the crap and just dig right to the nutty core, although a few days ago you couldn't cut my crap... I neglected my fibers....

I expect a smidgeon more motivation from a galactic emperor, that's all.
To me, that doesn't make him a villain, that makes him a boy with access to a planet smasher.
I found it hard to pay any attention to anything he said after that, because I really don't care about the opinions of homicidal children.