Additional Cheats

not to sound like too much of a noob. how do i access the files on my xbox 360 to install new files. how do i get the new files onto the xbox?

You don't. Modding the files on your Xbox requires a modified console. Console mods are strictly off limits in this forum.
hello is it possible for you guys to add cheat that will disable "Tornado" effect when you supersprinting? thats very annoyin to get notoriety while you just want run on the streets...

I'm fairly certain that you can get rid of the tornado upgrade via code. Try deleting this code from your unlockables.xtbl file.

        <Category>Powers - Sprint</Category>
            <Category>Entries:Super Powers:Sprint</Category>
I'm fairly certain that you can get rid of the tornado upgrade via code. Try deleting this code from your unlockables.xtbl file.

        <Category>Powers - Sprint</Category>
            <Category>Entries:Super Powers:Sprint</Category>

Unlocks are not retroactive. A missing entry will not revert an unlock that has already processed. It's a permanent part of the save file.
Would it be possible to make a cheat that locks notoriety at the penultimate level permanently? Sometimes I just want to go on an endless alien killing rampage without being interrupted by a warden.
Ok time for a random question from a blonde, so here goes: now i am curious if i use the mod to unlock or change stuff and then save and remove the mod, will it then be flagged or count as if nothing happened if i start sr4 up w/o the mod? or cheats??

[mind you I beat the game already I am just curious in terms of new games]
I really like the cheat code you added to remove super powers/super movement. Is it possible to make a cheat that will do the same for the saints/homies? I get tired of them tossing cars around and jumping 40ft in the air. Sometimes I just want a good old fashioned fire fight ya know?
if i use the mod to unlock or change stuff and then save and remove the mod, will it then be flagged or count as if nothing happened if i start sr4 up w/o the mod? or cheats??

Flagging a save only happens at the moment you activate it. If you remove the files later it won't change your save back or anything.

I really like the cheat code you added to remove super powers/super movement. Is it possible to make a cheat that will do the same for the saints/homies? I get tired of them tossing cars around and jumping 40ft in the air. Sometimes I just want a good old fashioned fire fight ya know?

Not possible with a cheat. I would suggest making a separate mod request.
Ha ha. It's good to see I'm not the only one having trouble finding it. If I do, I'll send it your way... wouldn't wanna release a mod that you've been working toward making. :p

Honestly, if you can do it, do it! :] I don't care how it gets done or who releases it. Credit has never been an issue for me. Just let me know how you do it, if you do it, asap. It's getting to me so bad! I've done every other tweak I've wanted to do but this one still alludes me.